Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Faith And Hope In What We Don't See!

Hello, Today I woke up with a beautiful sunrise, that is a great way to start the day off! Here is today scripture, which can be found in Hebrews 11:1 which says, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Wow, that is so true! So, instead of believing physically the possible limitation I could put on myself for doing better and moving on my training/running 5k journey I must imagine the possible and not to mention believe it whole heartly that I can do it, like a bigger goal for myself! So, I suppose I have been reading for others experience that the peoples time in their 1st 5k run has been in 25 or 26 minute range, which is great especialy when they are more experienced that I am. I just want to make a huge and IDK if outlandish would be good word, a huge goal for my 1st 5k, I wanna run it in 16 minutes. I must know believe in my heart In Jesus Name Amen that I can do it. So, now I train by doing my best and even if the time I train isnt close to the time I choose to run the first 5k of 16 minutes doesnt mean I wont run my 1st 5k in 16 minutes. With God with me who can be against me. I will have no negativity enter my mind, you know I am a blood born spirit filled saved christian who believe that "Everything is impossible for man but nothing is impossible for God" and "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me". So, Yes I said it! Now lets move forward! Now today was a very busy and long day, I soaked in things that could help me in my everyday life. I was able to do one of the two workouts set for today, I barely made it though. LOL. I gave it my all, and sure sweated up a storm. I wa tired from not getting enough sleep the night before so this workout will help my body rest more now! Even though I had been tired I still decided to do a workout. I will just be doing todays second workout tomorrow morning early. I better go to bed now! Three workouts spreaded all through the day tomorrow including the ones that really pushes me, Rock IT out!~ the one that makes my arms and shoulders so sore, I do 3 sets of 12 pushups and 3 sets of planks at the end of the workuot before the stretch. I love looking forward to that extreme!!!!! God Bless and Keep Smiling!

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