Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hard Work Pays Off, Time To Relax

Hello, Here is todays scripture which comes from Psalms 35:28 and it says, "And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long." This reached me in so many ways...My tongue shall speaks of the righteous of GOD and His praise all day long. I know if I do that according to God's word, I shall have blessings all days of my life. I take this as a reminder that if I speak of thy righteous and praise God all day that I would be richly rewarded in a long life. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me! So, the way I see it God is with me always and never leaves. Today I have did my 1st workout and gave it my 100%, it felt great and I love it!! It was a great workout but the booty workout was hard core, my calves and my youch I am feeling it!!!! Then was able to do the Party express and it was great, love this dancing workout, it actually goes fast too! Today I went for a 2 mile walk with my youngest son and with a friend. It was chilly but felt great!! It is real strange that I got all my workouts done this morning and now I get to relax the rest of the day! Everyone have a wonderful day! God Bless!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Don't Waste Your Potential

Hello and greetings! Today is such a great day!! I gotta see the sunrise come up, real gorgeous! Here is the scripture for the day, which comes from Proverbs 23:8, which says, "You will vomit up the little you have eaten and will have wasted your compliments." Well that is so strong I think for today. I will vomit up the little you have eaten...then it says, will have wasten your compliments. Ok I take that as 2 ways..1)What ever I am fed by the word of God, it will be wasted because I dont put complete trust, faith and love from my heart in GOD therefore what GOD has told me is gone. 2) If I eat healthy and I am doing a great job then decide to over eat, eat junk food-break the good record of eating healthy--it will be wasted and you will have to start over! I am honestly going through this...I am eating healthy and doing great but i have slips of junk food and then I feel guilty about it and have to start over again. I mean GOD is a forgiving GOD so if you really mean it and repent truly from your heart then HE will forgive you and then you are to start fresh. GOD loves you and He says you are Worth it. He cant make you change, you ave to want it yourself..So once you start fresh--make GOD the reason for it, do it for HIM, give HIM glory for your triumphs, and praise HIm even through the times times because God isnt a GOD who wants you to hurt. So this is your chance to start fresh and GOd will be with you every step of the way--not just through weight loss--Through EVERYTHING!!! Well I wasnt able to do my workouts til late because my wednesdays are very busy days, but I finally got to them and I loved it. I got both done before 11pm. I went to bed tired but slept great!! God Bless!

Being Truthful in Delight

Hello, Here is todays scripture which comes from- Proverbs 12:22 which says, "Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight." I feel like this scripture is ver important in any role/part you play. When it comes to me at this moment...I should lie about how I eat, workout, speak of me and my body. Which I am glad I dont do. I can be honest I eat fairly well, thou sometimes slip here and there, never to much tho. I dont lie about working out, I just end up doubling up so tripling sometimes. Which isnt the best either. I have to always remind myself to speak positive words, blessing my body. Today I did a fun workout--Disco groove is real fun, and weirdly seems like who was in that era must had a blast with these moves. Then working my Abs this morning, I wish this would last longer--this workout is only 10 minutes long. I love working my abs, i watching them form again and love seeing them! Well today was a short day for me. After workouts I had the rest of the day to spend with the kids. Whether homework, movies, laughing or such..its great to get that opportunity. You should definitely have family time. You show by example. ITs been a great day, Good Night to all!! God BLESS!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Glimpse Of Light Through Darkness

Good morning to all! Here is this morning scripture, which comes from Matthew 21:22 (KJV) "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Well indeed I ask this morning to go running and let no rain stop me! Well this is March 26, 2012 and it 35 degrees, rainy, windy, and cloudy in MN, when just couple days ago it was near 80. That was great!! On normal rainy and cold I would give up and decide to take a nap. A bunch of buddies said that rain was good for me when it was warm but is it good for you when it is rainy and cold. One way to find out.. Well i am wet and little cold. It went better than I thought.Yes it was raining but not hard..I had wore hat and gloves and it helped alot. I kept my pace, when I began to get tired I just slowed down instead of stopping! I love that I know that now :) ! I am to admit a little frustrated with my Mp3 player, tried removing a slow talking playlist and it was still on so I had to stop to by pass it to get to my Victorious Running playlist LOL--It was great, these songs keep me going and I tell if you dont have a good playlist for running, get one, I know everyone has their own favorite, I have learned from experience that songs with positive messages is best, it sures helps me!! I was doing so well til I saw a train coming, thinking "oh no-Father let it be sort and be done bythe time I get up to the tracks!" Well, no-I had to run while standing for 2-5 minutes for this train...oh well no use complaining, I looked at the bright side, I didnt stop, I just continued to run in place. As I began to run closer to the half way mark I see the sun in the background..ok its in wisconsin but it was still background! I knew God was with me every step of the way. When there is some darkness Light will not be to far behind, it shines bright and no matter if its a small sun or big--its makes a huge difference on my day, even your day! ;0) ..It was sweet--A small acheivement is fullfilled~~this running is getting easier--HAHAHa I cant believe I just said that!! When I was in 8th grade I ran the mile in pain on hip and problems breathing--time was over 16 minutes, then in 11th grade I ran the mile in 7.16 and was better though still breathing problems and side pain. Now WOWY~~~3.1 miles no pain and almost no stopping in30-35 minutes_I AM VICTORIOUS and feel AWESOME that I have come this far! If I can, you can too!!! So, immediately after getting back running I go into doing my Shaun T's ~Shaun T's Dance Party workout~man, it is so mucchhh fun! I loooovvveee iiittt!! LOL! Soon after my 3 yr old ate luch and went to bed, and then did a shorter 2nd workout, Shaun T's Mark, Move, and Groove--very simple but still makes you move your body to burn. ANd now all my running and workouts are done..its so nice to relax.It is nice to enjoy peace and quiet time with GOD and His word. Well it has been a great day! God Bless!!

Your #1 FAN!!

Good Morning to ALL!! What a terrific morning! The warm bright sun is sure a great sight when stepping outside to go to church it was much colder! Since today is resting day for me and of course I go to church on sunday I thought I would start out different. This time I will bring up the scriptures that was dealing with the title of our service today. Todays church service was about "How Church Should Be Like Sports Fanatics!" The scripture that comes 1st is James 2:14-17, Now I am not going to tell you about the all the scriptures, but I will tell you about the one that caught my attention. James 2:16 says, "...and one of you says to them "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled " but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?" Wow, well I am taking that as that God is telling me that I must depart from here, or anywhere I am in peace, be filled with warmth and be filled with Him-GOD, and that I am missing something for my body. Then it asked that question: "What does it profit? Well, I can say in this world everyone can go on with their lifes (physically since I am training for a 5k in june), whether its school play, sports, home or gym, or for basic home body movements-we take advantage of it and dont even think of the reasoning. Normally we just dont say to ourselves why am I doing this before we do it, we just do it. Well, that is my concern, God is the reason for me being here, my exsistence, my physically body-my temple He created, my flesh. So, with me I must find that missing thing my body needs and add it to it, like if you you ride a bike but without tires or if you play football without the football..those needs to be full completed to work. Well, God HIS ALL complete word is missing. I have spent so much telling you and even sharing with you scriptures. That is wonderul and I will continue, but for me I need more. Reading the most important, most popular book in the world-The Holy Bible helps me in so many ways-It will help me grow spiritually which will help the rest of me and my body. I have vowed to read the WORD more daily than I have before. I must remind myself I must meditate in morning and Night and inbetween in life-though agreeable with God and His word-everyone it must line up with the word!! Plus, when I eat any meal, or even drink a drink I pray and give thanks. His word said also "FOR I WAS HUNGRY, AND YOU GAVE ME SOMETHING TO EAT, WHEN I WAS THIRSTY, YOU GAVE ME SOMETHING TO DRINK"...!! Everyone who knows about Jesus and His 40 days in the wilderness knows from reading and just understanding that Jesus had the WILL of His Father GOD. The devil tried to bribe Him with bread because He looked hungry" Wow but everyone Jesus didnt give in, the physical bread of man wasnt what His body needed. It was His Father God's WORD and everything with it. His Father kept Him strong during that 40 day wilderness. So, I catch myself reminding if Jesus could last in the wilderness for 40 days with His spiritual food than I can do my best with Father God next to me and I dont need to give in when it may cut me sort of the glory of God! I have learned you should do these 5 things: 1) Pray-for others and self (shouldnt say AMen til you included another person in your prayer) 2) Given-invest in people-(Matthew 6:20-21 says) "but lay up yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where theives do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." So, basically I am thinking that Jesus doesnt allow man made materials in heaven because we are blessed with treasures in heaven that match our desires of our heart. WoW, I hit that one- The end of vs. 21 says, For where your treasure is, There your heart will be also." God has all of our hearts desires of our heart and everything our heart desires/treasures in heaven. Our Blessings are awaiting us when we make GOD our 1# priority, it will be so awesome, GOD and Jesus is our #1 fans, We should be THEIRS too! So, what I am saying is that whatever we accomplish, wedo our best-no matter Our Father God and His only Begotten son Jesus Christ is along our side-always with us and never leaves-wow, another one--THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE OUR SIDE NO MATTER WHAT!! They are really are #1 fans! From now on-GOD is included in every decision I make-you will be surprised all the awesome blessing coming your way once YOU make HIM your main priority! 4)Help others become ALL God wants them to be_THERE BEST! Faith race-->GOD IS OUR #1 FAN!! 5)Get rid of personal garbage tht is pollutes us and doesnt agree with the word! When making decisions "Seek The Kingdom of GOD 1st" if it lines up with the wor of GOD then you got your answer, because GOD does have all the answers. :0) Well just keep in mind what I just said and just think about it! God Bless!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Never Ending Flight

Hello and greetings to everyone! Here is today scripture which comes from Revelation 12:11 (KJV, which says, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. I take this as overcoming satan, winning the VICTORY whatever you do through Christ Jesus. In my case is thinking positive, working out, maybe runnin and walking, even eating well. I did overcome!!!Praise God! Today is sure a different kind of morning...AFter going to bed after 1am, I am now getting up @ 715am, wow incredible. I was determined, determined to seet the sunrise come up at the beach. So, I wake the kids up and we walk to the beach. It was cool but honestly felt great. I saw so many birds swimming, and they were still in formation as a flock. So, I get to the beach and I guess the fog is to much because there wasnt much of a sunrise, it was a bummer but I got to hear the birds chirping, the waves splashing, and the wind blowing through the trees. So, we come back and I do a workout that I missed yesterday, House Your Body--it was a workout but wasnt much because I got interrupted so much, not even a drop of sweat came. So, I went down to do another workout, this one is my favorite one, Shaun T's Rock It Out-I always get 200% into this one, I work my butt off, and today my son said I was dripping sweat so bad it was going to fill a bucket. I loved it that much, then when push ups came, wowy--they are so awesome though today I had to stop right before the count ended, I guess my arms couldnt take it or somthing. Then in my case I was supernaturally HIGH, so I ended up doing another 45 minute workout afterwards. This was fun and dancing was base of it but dancing makes everything fun!! Today has been a great day, though IDK why I dont have much to say!! Just know Hard work will pay off. Today I felt so free, I was soaring the sky again, this time God is my wings---never ending flight. God Bless!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Learning To Listen and Keep An Open Ear

Hello everyone, Today is so gloomy and honestly I am taking a day to rest. I have been doing so well physically with my workouts and training for my 5k that my body has been getting tired easier. Here is the scripture for today, it comes from Nahum 1:7, which says, "The Lord is good, giving protection in times of trouble. He knows who trusts in him." I have learned to listen to my Father God when I in need of everything, especially rest because He knows when I over do it and my body needs a rest. He protects you and your body from harm with His blood, that one drop from calavary save us from so much. So when it is time to listen I have a open hear and a closed mouth. It is definitely hard for me to resist the time to rest but when I can barely stay awake during the day and then fall asleep while waiting for my 3 yr old to go to sleep, I believe i need a nap. recently I just started my new food journal and yesterday I did real good and was lil under 1200 calories, and today well hit 1800 calories, cuz of more carbs and fat..bad mix, it sure didnt help but make me tired more. Well I will do better tomorrow! God Bless!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who Are You Doing This For?

Greetings to all! Here is my scripture for the day, which comes from Joshua 1:7 which says, “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go." Yes, I believe in everyway of life as long as it is according to the Word, I will be successful! Today is short and simple. I had did two workouts todays, I did great with them, did my very best and didnt give up. It was hard not to just sit here and think of the race and think how good I will be. I know this race will be successful for me because I am putting God and His word first, I am making this run about God and His Word. Even these blogs are about him, these daily scriptures come in remembrance of what He has done for me! I love finding scriptures that best fit my day and maybe perhaps fits someone elses day. I will do my best to help others whether I know it or not. I have always wantedto help. So, by me being courageous through this training, up til the race, and even after I will steady ready for all of this to be about GOD!!! Take care and think abotu wht I said. What is the reason you are doing what you are doing??? It is for self? Or is it for GOD? God Bless!

Grow In Respect Of Our Bodies

Hello, Good morning to all! Here is my scripture for the day, it comes from Ephesians 4:15-16 which says, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. This is the morning I would normally run my 3.1 practice run but it was raining and I felt at peace staying home today because I have been over doing it lately that I had believed that today and relaxtion would be benifical for me. I dont regret staying home, though I thought maybe the rain might have felt good, it only rained a little off and on.I will try next time it rains, and just press on forward. I was able to do my Rock it out workout today with so much of me there might have been two of me, lol. I began to sweat not even 15 minutes into the workout, i gave it my all, maybe more, I felt so good after. A huge smile came on my face. Today I have remember that if it wasnt for God, I wont have existed, my body that I use for multi purposes would be ashes, maybe not even that if it wasnt for God, so I am going to start taking care of myself and what I eat better. I defintely have started, but constantly reminding myself to eat good is challenging. I witness to woman at my grocery store-they both had veggies and fruit in theirs hands and as I walk over to get my youngest a donut, yes him, not me...anyways these ladys get a couple bags of donuts. I was thinking I feel like them now or in the past. I would make excuses up to get sugar, "Oh as long as I eat my fruit and veggies no harm", Well there is, what is really the purpose of eating healthy and throwing it away for junk. I got disgusted after that experience. I have been logging my food in a journal and to say Iam impressed today, I stayed under 1200 calories today, I saw all that I ate, whether protein, fat, etc. It was nice and it helps to really think why I am losing weight. It has been a nice day and I am grateful for every moment. Night and God Bless!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

You Can Do All Things

Well hello to all, Today i am so stoked! I get to see the sunrise and getting kids ready for school because I am aboutto embark on a new adventure for my life. This is my 2nd practice 3.1 mile run, I will be running three days a week @ 3.1 miles each and going to see how each time goes and if I improve. Here is todays scripture that goes perfectly with today, it comes from 1 Corinthians 9:24, which says, "Do you not know the that in a prize all runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." Off to the run, bring on the challenge! ..................................... Well I am back and let me tell you, WOW! I was listening to my new playlist and it wa full of Gospel and Christian Jam, very little slow, more upbeat and the songs that kept me going were my #1 fav: Beautiful Name by Zoegirls and #2 I want it all back by Tye Tribbet...In fact I replayed that at least four times. So I start running and get a quarter away from my house and I start to vomit, yes not a good way to talk, but this is the first time I actually got sick during a run. I had shaken it off and when out, even with a elderly gentlemen walker staring on, he probably thought he should help me or not. IDK if anyone would have stop and went home after they got sick but I sure wasnt going to give up. This run began so well, I have ran almost 5 blocks before stopping, and it was all because of a train, the first time. So anyways I ran better than normal, I learned to run but walk run so I can pace myself. It made the run more easier. As soon I knew it I was at the half way mark, and God was still cheering me on....telling me "You can do it darling." It was cloudy outside and even looked like it was going to storm but It was only my father God's way of keeping it cool for me; I felt His gentle breeze nudging me along the way. I was wonderful to even get to the three quarter mark where I can tell you I was so tired, but this was the time I would need to give it my all more and push through the pain just a little bit because I am near my end/the goal/home. I got to the awesome hill! The reason I say awesome is because I am being sarcastic first of all, the hill his near the end of my run and it seems more difficult to run the end with the hill, but i managed. No the breaking point, I run as fast as I can home with no car or person in the way, I near the garage door and stop, breathe, and walk fast inside to see the time, while breathing heavily. I at first saw a time like it was more than last time and to refocus, it was actually better time. I ran the 3.1 miles in 35 minutes today--I totally beat my last run of 45 minutes. Praise God!! I started crying in Joy! I did acheive!! I did "Do all things through Christ that strengthens me" and All things are possible according to God if you believe." I feel awesome and that is that! :) Joyful and God Bless!

With A Smile

Hello and greetings to everyone! This blog will cover both saturday March 17 and Sunday 18th. I am sorry, today I dont have a scripture...Im in soreness and pain, can barely move from over doing it, I had to much fun and I didnt expect my body change it direction from energetic to sore and hurting. I will be taking it easy and resting much else to say, I am very limited. You must never over do it, try to watch for signs that your body maybe tired or getting sore. It is very important you take care of your bod the right way so you can prevent injury. God Bless! Well its now sunday, day of resting. I will be going to church and taking it easy, while I praise and worship my Father God for all His glory and also pray for this soreness to go away and be at peace. Well, church went well didnt get to go pray at alter today though I got to be in the nursery teaching the little ones about God and His son Jesus. It made it more tiring for me...I needed to go dance to music and being in nursery I didnt get that. Now I am home and feeding the kids and I am resting some more... Oh I feel like working out, lets see what happens.... Well I did House Your Body on Shaun T's workout and it went smoother than I thought it would, praise God!! What ever I prayed in my head to my Father must have been enough because the soreness and pain is going away. Now I got a smile on my face. That is a great way of ending the day with a smile! God Bless Everyone!

Give It Your All and Have Fun!

Hello, Here is my scripture for the day It comes from John 14:27 which says, 'Jesus is my peace." I love that, He gives us peace! Today is my first practice run of my 3.1 miles/5k. I am little nervous but I will do my best. well I am off..................... Im back, I did a decent job, I ran the 3.1 miles in 45 minutes. I was at first going to complain but I cant because it was my 1st run and I can use this time and do better each time til I find my average. I stopped 14 times, more at the beginning than the end. I wasnt 100% focused but I still ran and didnt give up and I believe that is all that matters. Now I am about to do a workout, a 35 minute one called Booty time, it really does strengthing to your booty/glut and your legs. I get sore barely when it starts, imagine I wasnt that sore this time, weird I love it, I went past that point of normal complaining and now just love to do it and improve on it to make it funner. It was great now time to do a 45 minute workout, I will be able to get most of it done before my son gets home from pre-k, then do the rest when he gets home. Now my son is home eating lunch and I am finishing my workout which I am sorry , it was called, "Shaun T's Dance Party", a lot of dancing in it. Now he is eating and I am finishing the last 10 minutes while he was eating. WOWY, now I get a break, I promised all my kids a long walk to nature hike, park and beach then to surprise picnic on the way home. I so enjoyed but are tired from the long long long 5 mile walk with the kids but they all enjoyed and they are happy but cant wait to eat. So, lunchables, fruit and salads we get for picnic, then the best part of the night which is in the best ending to this adventure walk is the sunset, it was so beautiful! I was suppose to do tow more workouts when I got home but I was extremely tired from the walk. I am getting kids to bed and then I am going to sleep. Night. God Bless!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

They Are New Every Morning

Hello, Today isnt an ordinary day, I gotta see the sunrise but I wasnt able to get a scripture for the day. So, who ever is reading my blogs day by day, I apologize. Honestly, something is in my heart today that shouldnt be, that doesnt belong. I had so mych todo this morning with errands, that I got one sort Abs workout in and that is it for the day! I can tell you after eating good all day and suddendly eating a homemade chicken pot pie, I felt so different quick. I went to take a picture of myself with a new shirt on that I love, a yellow shirt- i was told it was a great color on me. So, I took the picture and after seeing the picture I felt horrible. My life flashed before my eyes and I went back to when I was 245lbs. IT was a scarey thought, and made me mortified! I know we each have our bad days and maybe this is one of them but I tell you I refuse to feel like this tomorrow because Tomorrow is a new day. Wellm i guess I have a scripture now for ya, It comes from Lamentations 3:23 which says, "They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Well, I am going to go to bed now! Everyone have a great and peaceful night sleep! God Bless!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Faith And Hope In What We Don't See!

Hello, Today I woke up with a beautiful sunrise, that is a great way to start the day off! Here is today scripture, which can be found in Hebrews 11:1 which says, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Wow, that is so true! So, instead of believing physically the possible limitation I could put on myself for doing better and moving on my training/running 5k journey I must imagine the possible and not to mention believe it whole heartly that I can do it, like a bigger goal for myself! So, I suppose I have been reading for others experience that the peoples time in their 1st 5k run has been in 25 or 26 minute range, which is great especialy when they are more experienced that I am. I just want to make a huge and IDK if outlandish would be good word, a huge goal for my 1st 5k, I wanna run it in 16 minutes. I must know believe in my heart In Jesus Name Amen that I can do it. So, now I train by doing my best and even if the time I train isnt close to the time I choose to run the first 5k of 16 minutes doesnt mean I wont run my 1st 5k in 16 minutes. With God with me who can be against me. I will have no negativity enter my mind, you know I am a blood born spirit filled saved christian who believe that "Everything is impossible for man but nothing is impossible for God" and "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me". So, Yes I said it! Now lets move forward! Now today was a very busy and long day, I soaked in things that could help me in my everyday life. I was able to do one of the two workouts set for today, I barely made it though. LOL. I gave it my all, and sure sweated up a storm. I wa tired from not getting enough sleep the night before so this workout will help my body rest more now! Even though I had been tired I still decided to do a workout. I will just be doing todays second workout tomorrow morning early. I better go to bed now! Three workouts spreaded all through the day tomorrow including the ones that really pushes me, Rock IT out!~ the one that makes my arms and shoulders so sore, I do 3 sets of 12 pushups and 3 sets of planks at the end of the workuot before the stretch. I love looking forward to that extreme!!!!! God Bless and Keep Smiling!

Perseverance Pays Off

Hello, Today is sure starting out better everyone!! I woke up great and it feels wonderful out already at 6am. Here is todays scripture of the day, which comes from Romans 5:3-5 which says, "Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Yes, I receive that!!! I have perseverance in all I do, so what if I have long or short suffering, its so worth what I get out of it! So, training for this 5k, whether Im running, walking, working out, or playing with my kids, I do get tired, hot, cold, weak, strong, angry, sad and or happy, but I still persevere at what I do! I will persevere at this training and I will persevere at this 5k knowing I did my very best! So, today I did my Hip Hop workout today and you know what I only loves doing it, its fun and I get to feel like I am in a club, whether I am actually not isnt the point I love this workout, that is the point. Whose to say they love there workout or love working out period! Not alot! So, if you find something you love to do when it comes to your fitness, like I did, stay with it until you 100% know its time to change. My last workout DVDs I loved and enjoyed but I figured out when it was time to change and now I am so happy with the results, you can too!! Well Better go I am really tired and the kids are full of energy and it is soooo late + a school night! God Bless and Keep Smiling!

Monday, March 12, 2012

You Are Fairer Than The Sons Of Men

GREEEEETTINNGS! oops sorry i woke up in kind of fast motion! I woke up late, between daylight savings time and my children having been off school since friday, truly a long 5 day week, uggh! Anyways, I slept in from getting my 3 yr old off to school but he managed to still get on the bus after the 2nd attempt. Wow, Its time to wind down and be one with my Father GOD! Meditate HIS word time, which brings me to the scripture of the day, which comes from Psalm 45:2, which says, "You are fairer than the sons of men; grace is poured upon Your lips; therefore GOD has blessed You forever!" Wow, incredible!! We are more fair than the men of our past generations; God's pours HIS blessing on our lips which means to me that the gifts of our words can bless us forever! The power is in our lips, our mouth, our words!! So, I say I will do outstanding in GOD's eyes when I run my first 5k because HE will be next to me and HE blessed lips to say I can do it!! It was a rainy and cloudy day so I was able to go running today. I was still able to do my first workout, Now I am just slowly waking up since I was rushed out of bed barely having time to breath. Well just finished my workout with Party Express, I just love jammin' with Shaun T and his crew! The dancing just comes easy and I actually love having fun working out, even though I push myself I adore it, YES I said I adore working out! HAHA LOL YAY!! About to clean house and since everyone just getting up and Alex with be home from pre-k in 15 minutes I will jammin with music in the house while making wheat blueberry pancakes and sausage with some juice. Then off for a walk with the kiddos to the library to return movies, then go to grocery store to buy more fruits and veggies especialy fruits for my smoothies!! It is yet still rainy to run for NOW, but the time will come... THe weather seem to be playing games, off and on it would go so I had to just take two of my kids with me, wasnt going to take a chance of all of us getting real wet. It was a fast pace walk but great breeze, feeling like may indeed. Never felt so ready to workout, dealing with computer and transfering and downloading and such gets me tired and man I gotta go ....Rock it Out time! Well I felt great doing my rock it out workout but I will say there were so many distraction and I of course had to stopped multitude of times, and managed to be done, it was the longest 45 minute workout I ever did, norm with 45 minutes it goes so quick, this didnt! Finally done for the night and eager to lay in my bed...ZZZZZZZZ! God Bless and Keep smiling!

Of One Mind

Well Greetings to you all, I will start wil today scripture which comes from Romans 14:3, which says, "Let no him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for GOD has received him." Well I take this as whether you eat or not who are we to judge, GOD is only our judge and HE has received all of us. Then I find another scripture that also pertains to today, Romans 14:5 says, "One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. let each be fully convinced in his own mind." WOW, that is is totally about self-esteem but I am saying self-esteem by obvious scripture I just read really and truly comes from GOD because we are of one mind, we do as GOD does. Today is sabbath day/resting day. It was truly a nice day, the kids and I just had a great time, laughing, playing, watching movies and maybe a little wrestling with my 9 yr old, and of course I won, it was fun but he gets so hard sometimes. So I cherish this day! I cant wait til another resting day.... PS: I have been thinking of this, I started writing this blog for my own benifit at first but as I get more into I realize I am writing to help others out there, I just dont see if I am though, I feel like my words are getting dusty and it isnt doing any good. IDK am I wrong? I do know that whether I am the only person who reads these blogs or the president of the US reads this blogs I will still be at a point that i am, training for my first 5k in June and sharing my experience along the way. GOD BLESS AND KEEP SMILING!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

what is more important the physically food or spiritual food?

Well hello and greetings, I am sure they both mean the same thing. This is a two day blog! First here is the the scripture that fits yesterday and today Hebrews 13:8 New International Version (NIV), which says, " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." That makes alot of sense to me. He was the same yesterday, today and forever! He never changes. So while I get involved in my life and the world around it, HE never changes, even when it seems no time for HIM, HE never changes. So, I believe that it will be the same for me, it may not come easy but what does, Jesus got whipped beyond recognition and died on the cross for our sins. Do you think that came easy for HIM? No, it didnt it was hard for HIM to do, but He listen to HIS Father, and dedicated HIS death and life for us. So, I here to remind you that God gave us this body or in HIS words, our temple. We must take care of it, for He could take it away, no HE doesnt purposely do anything for us to get hurt or lose part of our body/temple. He is a healer and He died for us to live. we were not meant to be over weight, eat greasy fast food, or be coach potatoes and eat all types of non healthy sugars and stuff. So, I am reminding you all why am sharing my story on this blog. I have went through so much with my weight but i refuse anymore to let me waste my body/temple either letting it rot til I die. I will move forward to what I am meant to be physically and of course mentally. I dedicate my life to God as He dedicates HIS life to me, to us! Now that was yesterday, this is today~ I got up bright as day with a great night sleep behind me, I sat up in bed for an hou to wake up and do a few stretches, you see i was about to go running outside for the first time in this early spring. Iwas so bumped!! My nine year old son was going with me, how fun to have my child with me, it couldnt get any better than that! Or could it? So, I started running and it felt so great to be in the cool breeze of this early spring. Almost immediatly my son had to stop every two blocks, his body was use to it, I ended up running ahead of him just to bump him up too, even give him the talk about pushing it. But he was right, his little lungs, body wasnt use to what I had went threw for 3 years of running. Yes, he was a great runner, but i am think as of now anyways a short distance runner is more better for him. i am so proud of him of trying, not many others can say that. So, I walk about the same amount of time I ran, which i was aggrevated but got more understanding more I wakled with him and talked with him. As the day went, I was relaxing then i decided it was time for my workout, i love doing workouts by Shaun T, and besides of relaxing prefernces yesterday I did yesterdays workout today. It was fine, worked out great, I loved every minute of it! Not even 20 minutes afte i finished my awesome workout i went for an hour walk with my kids, I honestly dont understand though how on the way there we were laughing ans such and on way home tense, hmmm, but made me wanted workout more, well after kiddos went to bed i just did that. i need to burn some feelings of me and plus I just honestly needed to dance, and this workout makes me feel like I am in a audition, and i do a great job! well here is a closing thought, what is more important your body/temple that GOD gave you or because you have the money you can buy whatever you put in your body or because its your body you can just sit and eat, or even do nothing/ Plus, like I who have little ones, trying to do my best to show by example, what are you showing? Take Care, God Bless, and Kepp Smiling!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Working Hard Pays Off!

Hello to ALL! Today started out great, I woke up with a peaceful night sleep and feeling happy as I wanted to be. Today scripture comes from Joshua 1:8 which says …"..shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." I am doing alot more checking myslef, I have astray from God and His word, I dont meditate morning and night, I do here anfd ther but it isnt enough and only reason I mention this is because if it wasnt for God and HIS word, I wouldnt be at the point Im in explaining where I am because God is awesome. He made me be here, He is next to me with this whole journy to get to the finish at the 5k. When it came to doing my workout, it went so well that I felt like I was literally in a dance club dancing! It was awesome! I did my workouts late morning, again I went determined to do them my 150% again, i did just that! I felt so great after! Oh yea and now I actually feel my abs , you know in my abs, where when I had more flab on my belly i couldnt feel them and I didnt see them there ever. Its nice to see and feel a difference these Shaun T workout DVDs are doing for me! Outstanding! I was suppose to start running again on treadmill but i have taken my medication from the 7 weeks of feeling yucky that this meds make me very tired and its been along day. So, i have to run in or out early in day, it will make more sense, I am less tired. Well, everyone have a great day! God Bless and Keep Smiling!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FlyingThrough The Wind To Destination

Hey to all! Today is a busy day for me! I have a doctors appointment this morning. I pray I can get something to help this what-ya-call-it... I got back and it was off to delivering some furniture to myu mom's house, so yes lifting we had to do today! It was heavy enough to get a sweat off my face. Indeed a beautiful day it was, It is MN in March and reached 63 degrees today! Who couldnt enjoy this weather?! Then Driving back more to home and as soon as i got hope i had ate and began to help kids with homework the best i could. I was enjoying my praise and worship music while dancing! So, yes oh happy day to dancing burns calories. Finally, i did my workout, I gave 150% to it, unreal ha! I was so hot nd sweating so much from pushing myself through the pain! Sorry I decided to go to bed with a scripture tonight, which comes on from, Matthew 18:19 which says," Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." I am sorry, I so believe it speaks for itself! Wher are two or more gathered in your my Lord's name that they will be in agreement and it will happen because they believe! God Bless and Keep Smiling!

Be Still

Hello everyone! Scripture of the day comes from Exodus 14:14 which says, "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Well today I must agree, if i cant fight anymore for myself, the Lord will fight for me like HE has been. I will be still today. No workout today. The Lord will remind me that I have been healed over 2000 years agaio because "By His stripes we/are healed!" So Yes another short blog but I know once this, whatever it is tha I have--some symptoms, well those whatever symptoms will go away and I will be able to forsure always give my 100% plus 100% more. I do know I have drive and determination because of the Lord, this cold-a-what-u-call-it has been around for nearly 7 weeks and I am so blessed that i havent became a coach potato because of it or even totally gave up my workouts all together and made all sorts of excuses. I will forward with the help of the Lord! God Bless and Keep Smiling!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Come Away From The Desolate Place

Hello, This is from tuesday feb 28th to sunday march 4th, 2012. I am starting with a scripture like I always do. mark 6;31, " Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest awhile." For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. I see this as you are doing so much but dont even have time to soak in the WORd of God. God has all the answers for me. Since I have been not feeling well this week I have been up and down with working out and walking alot so I dont become lazy again. I must push myself so when its time to do my 100%+ I will be ready. This blog is very short but I will say this, "I am very determined, I have the drive to keep moving forward to my acheivement; However, if it gets to much for me I know when to rest." God bless and Keep Smiling!