Monday, January 9, 2012

The Light Through The Darkness

I simply began this morning like no other, I woke up so happy, so grateful that all that I had. Like my 3 year old son, I was so chiper and full of energy.
Great morning it is, gazing at the sunrise, the remarkable colors, listening to my favorite music to get my blood pumping.
It would be time for a run soon. I was excited and little concerned to see how long I would last but also the freeness of the run would be so remarkable.
Yet, the challenge is to run like I have been running everyday, though I havent ran in 3 months. Um, yes its been awhile and now to top it off, whether its minnesota is maybe beside the point, its in the 40s in january. Uncommon yes, no yes uncommon at this time yes. Will I enjoy the freeness of soaring like a bird, YES!!!!!
Needless to say I dont give up!! One of my favorite sayings is, "I will attempt the inevitable, for the inevitable is waiting for me!" It gives me the chills just saying it, LOL I dont know why, but I love that saying! Time for the inevitable to happen.
Its time for the shot of freedom.
Even a attempted knee cramp wasnt going to stop me from running...nothing will stop me today..this day will finish great like the morning did.
I step outside with just a hoodie and a pair of running sorts, lol and yes sneakers. Once I step outside the chill January air rubs its hands so gently against my legs that I get cold dimples on my legs. I have been longing for this run for seems to be eternity, tho just 3 months.
I will be giving it my all!!!! Another good but weird phrase I love to use, I have no idea why, because I dont really for football but, I see the end of the goal line and I see myself finish, I say, "Touchdown" like I made a touchdown and won the SuperBowl. Funny, yea, but it helps me get to the finishline...acheivement is acquired then...left me feeling like I am a quarterback doing a dance and to interception.
Nothing is psyching me out as I run, though my mind is sure giving it all to tell me things like, "Its to cold", "Go home", "Give Up", or "Your to tired". No way could I listen to those words, they wouldnt be the words of me, they werent my thoughts, they were the words of satan, and I refuse to agree with his lazy butt. I WILL ACCOMPLISH GREAT!!
I continue to run like a bird soaring, every once in a while landing to stretch my wings. Then proceeding towards the horizon. Today, I decided on a different path. I would normally take a crazy zig zag path but today it was one turn then a straight shot for a few miles, it feels good knowing I can change this path but it may actually help me get to the goal line quicker.
The further I ran from home the better I felt running..I just kept running towards the neverending light of this journey.
I had the most remarkable sight, As I got to a sidewalk, I saw a glimpse of the sun popping hits gorgeous and beaming head through all the trees. It seems to me God was telling me, "Look I am here, sometimes it seems Im not, but I will appear when you need me the most. I always here with you no matter if you see me or not." I so need that..It made me push more and move forward I was on a neverending journey to my destiny. Everytime I felt like stopping completely and giving up, one of my favorite songs by Ana Laura would come on, the song, "Completely"! "Give myself completely to him.." I couldnt say all the words but I can say this, I give myself completely to HIM, HE will make My life great, full of so many blessings. So, this run would be one part of giving myself to HIM completely, HE showed me what was waiting for me at the end of the goal line....IT WAS VICTORY!!! I felt like Rocky Balboa running up the stairs ...jump and shaking my hands in the air in VICTORY!!!! So, once I accomplished beginning run, I started back with a goal to get back with less stops, it did happen and what got me as I was running back and again I saw the bright sun appear through the trees and then I saw it, a telephone me it wasnt an ordinary telephone pole...I saw a cross there. Another way Jesus said he was still with me...All I could do is give thanks, do my very best and smile the rest of the way home.
I got to my door with my heart beating so fast, my face dripping sweat, and my legs freezing like icicles...ALL WITH A HUGE SMILE!!! :)

Now, as soon as I get home barely walk in the door a friend texts me to come along with her to grocery shop. I honestly was so tired but I believe that God wanted me to share my happiness and joy with her...I dont know...sort of tell her I did it and Yes, Father is always with me...I can tell yea that whole time grocery shopping I was smiling and laughing...It was tremendously uplifting!!! There I was again soaring in the sky like I was free...indeed free to be me...Happy and joyful me!!
Then once I get home showing my love to my children but also telling them not to give up when the going get tough because God is indeed always peaking out at you and HE will never leave yourside. It was a comfort to them that I could share that with them.
So, now all is peaceful, kids are sleeping and I am at it again, this time doing a workout that I truly love. Body Gospel has so much helped in me becoming the person whom I became to be today. The workouts are fun and you also get to listen to favorite praise music, glorifying God. God has helped me to lose the bad, and gain the good, So HE will get all the GLORY!!
I went through this workout feeling upbeat and literally feeling like I am there with all them in the beachbodyteam working out. I had fun and it honestly went by so quickly.
Now I must end the night in this...
There is always a bright light in darkness!!!!! You must push forward because once you get past what you would call, "Tough Times" aint no going back, it feels great to feel free and move forward.

Thank you to God!!
God Bless You All!!

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