Monday, January 23, 2012

Flight of New Direction

Today has been a day of many thoughts and prayers. For I need to re-direct my thoughts and directions in life. Don't get me wrong God has control over my path in this journey, Its up to me if I listen to HIS WORDS! I will follow! I did a lot of listening today in silence. It is nice when I get to enjoy it. I heard I need to go to a new here is the thought! I go to go for a walk in the cool winters breeze today, it was literally a workout on its on because I had to walk through lots of snow, there are some people that don't believe in shoveling apparently! So, the 25 minute walk seemed more like 45 minutes, and yes I was real tired and out of breathe when I got home. For this week do Body Gospel simple core, strength and stretching exercises along with my running on the treadmill, then start a new workout routine next week, but keep some of Body Gospel routines with it, intertwine them sort of speak but don't make it to consuming and overwhelming. I hope to figure out the rest of my new routine tomorrow so I have something great to tell you. Well better go, its bed time, resting is a major issue for me, so I will start this new routine by increasing my rest!! I will leave you with my favorite bible verse in Jeremiah 29:11, " For I know the plans for you declares the Lord; Plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future!" Soar the path that God has intended for you!! Goodnight & God Bless.

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