Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Expanding My Wings

This morning I woke up very chipper again, I love that again I feel great. I am delighted in this day that the Lord brought to me and gave me a chance to endure and enjoy another day.
It was a 2 hour delay for kids in school, got to rest an extra hour and wake up to witness another beautiful and surreal sunrise, the colors so lucious and bright. I place my hand up to the window and imagine feeling the warmth of the sun, the warmth of Gods precious kiss on me as I get up.
While kids prepare for their morning and wake up, I begin my day with words from the bible, scripture James 1:22 says, "Be a doer...". That in fact is what I will do.
As I begin to get out of bed my hip acts like it whats to lock. I cant believe this! I will refuse to let satan attack me and my joyful more. I smiled and kept moving like my hip wasnt hurting and as I was walking all I said was, "IM ALREADY HEALED IN THE NAME OF JESUS!" and the pain was gone.
I can just feel the excitement of the body gospel workout I am doing, my favorite infact, its called "Gospel Glory". I barely began it and I felt infused with the workout, like I was actually physically there working out with all the others on the DVD. While listening to joyful, fun and worship music I began to trance of into ...well a land of peace and meditation while I was working out. It was a great weird feeling! As soon as I realized what I was doing I was done, more focused with the movements and in depth with the worship music..the words were indeed music to my soul. I then heard my favorite song on the workout. My favorite words in this song is "Help me sing praise to our King". All I could do is that because God, my KING is the one responsible for getting me through this journey I have been taking and still be taking. The workout went so fast that I didnt even realize it.
Going outside with my Alex, playtime...I get many workouts with him, and its fun too!
After the fun, I do pushups, 37 in a minute, I guess thats good, I will be optomistic. I will be ready to break that record. Then to sprinting and in and outs. Very good but I can also in prove.
My challenges today would be doing the pushups with both legs, military style, not the old way with one leg. So, I am psyched to improve on strengthen my upper body.
My 2nd challenge is pullups, I went to attempt, I placed my fingers on it and couldnt support my own weight, so I feel that may hinder my run so I have to look into improving upper body strength. I believe my whole body should be equal, so I can run with fullest potential.
So, today has been a simple day and little les busy.
I will leave with this saying, "I can do all things through Christ which Strengthens me." Philipians 4:13.

I CAN DO ALL THINGS! My wings will be expanding to new heights and new challenges and I will acheive them with the power of God!!

God Bless and rememember You to Can Do All Things!!!

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