Monday, April 16, 2012

Open Doors

Good morning to everyone! It is a great day, very sunny and warm..they say it may last, the next couple of days will be getting warmer adn then cooler again by monday. Great day to endure GOD and His word and running like I am a soaring my case whether its real or not, I love 2 birds..1 is the dove, from the beginning the dove was a key to when the flooding stopped and Noah knew he would find dry land, then the phoenix, a bird that died but rose from the died tt wa on fire. I am a gentle dove in the sky showing the new beginning just like the phoenix were to rise from ashes to its new beginning, burning for life. Well I dont burn for eternity, life does end, but GOD's love burns in me forever no matter earth or heaven bound. So, here is todays scripture which comes from Psalm 9, which says, "I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad to rejoice thee." I will do all my things according to God's words, they will align with the words, all that I do whether I talk to others, love others, help others, disciple others with my entire heart-will all align with God's works and be happy to praise and worship Him." Now I will workout, todays workout is a great one but longer, House your body..Shaun T sure gets your body bumping and your blood flowing. It is real nice to sweat and move your entire body..I love the hip hop grooving with my workout. I mean dancing during a workout is totally awesome. I dont dont drag to workout, I am so excited! Lets get to it! Bring it on..see ya in a few. Well it took me longer to get back to ya.I did my workout, my 3 yr old came home and we ate, now he is napping,lol I believe I wanna lay down and rest, I am tired and man, the sweat is dripping off me. I lvoe it. So, to bring something up, a few questions again: 1)Do you wanna play it safe or be challenged? 2)Do you stare at yourself in a mirror saying what are you waiting for? 3)what are you afraid to lose? Well if any of those you answered yes. All I can say....which i will tell ya was hard for me but hear goes..."STAND UP, YES STAND UP..STOP BEING AFRAID OF MOVING FORWARD CUZ YOU ARE FEARFUL OF WHAT YOUR WONDEROUS FUTURE HAS..IMAGINE THAT GREAT OPPORTUNITIES AWAIT YOU..CAN GET IT BEING AFRAID. dONT LET YOUR INSECURITIES GET IN YOUR WAY...YOU ARE MEANT FOR SO MUCH MORE!!!!! It is great to challenge yourself never know what kind of goals are about to be accomplished!! Dont be like me for many years and question what are you waiting for...make today the day you start yourselve on track towards a goal, a vision, am achievement!!!I will say it again...With man all things are impossible but will GOD all things are possible. You are a child of GOD, you can do all things so dont be afraid and get moving forward, you will love the outcome! Get ready, your days of long time achievements are here. Your opportunity is knocking on the door...dont stare at it, open it!!!!! God is waiting for you, He is waiting for you with all lifes possiblities. God Bless!!

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