Saturday, April 28, 2012
Conquering Your Race...Your Always A Winner!
Well good morning to all!
The sunrise is here & today is a " day, you are made new everyday!" It is a little chilly out but since the sunny is warming things up, I know it will be a glorious day!
I am finishing getting the kiddos ready for school, lately they have been taking their time getting ready but still ate late for the bus so I am giving thanks to you Father GOD for that! It makes my morning so much easier to get going.
Well if you can remember on wednesday I went running after a long 1.5 weeks of a break without running due to physical nature. So I will be giving a fresh try again this morning.
First things 1st, todays scripture comes from Ephesians 2:6, "In Jesus I have the life of God."
Enough said, through Jesus He lives through His Father God. So, through Jesus I/You also live life of GOD!!!
Well, I am off for another run this time I will be adding weighted wrist bands to my run. I am not sure what will come out of this run today but I am victorius than I was wednesday. With God I will win this race!
YES, YES, YES!! The run went awesome!!!! I did stop only a couple but manage to get myself to run at a slower pace instead of stopping. Even though I dont run up huge hills, my 1st hill I ran up began to challenge me, I guess I was beginning to be tired and the weights were helping me..kinda they were but at time I didnt see that. Tho I conquerored that hill and continued on. Its weird in my running, I am no MICHAEL JOHNSON~it isnt a huge fast run~ but through my eyes I was running pretty fast, then with the weights it seems to seem like I was jogging, I was pushing my running harder and harder. If I felt I could run faster, I would take that opportunity & speed up..then catch my pace again. Got 3 blocks I was pushing myself for sure, I was so wanting to stop & these weights were getting heavy on my arms now...but now I will run faster & faster, the last block I even got faster. I finally got to my garage & I was really out of breath but stop with that awesome smile on my face. Time = 32 is average..considering 30-35 I am back again. I wont miss anymore runs. Cause now I must pick up the pace and hit the intensity button on my speed. If I can run between 25-30 minutes, it will be nice, though honest I am striving for 23 minutes..
In that run I ran (stepped) 6,695-burned 695 calories- And my day isnt done yet!! I am taking a small break & relaxing then working out while my 3 yr old sleeps.
Ok my son is sleeping on the couch, finally I am doing extra pushups, 2-3 sets of 10 plus two types of planks. I love my pushups, I will continue to try regular pushups til I conqueror them. Now I going to do my Ab workout, i need consistant help with them, I am so loving see'm appear. Finally going to do my 45 minute dance party workout!! Can anyone say FUN! LOL! So, that all went well... iam done with all workouts & runnin for the day! My total run/walk (steps) I made today is 12,118 & total calories burned was 967. AWESOME, I love it!!!
Well I will be resting my shins with ice & then spending time with my family!
God Bless!!
Fun & Smiling Is So Worth The Reward!
Well I would like to say good morning to all you wonderful people out there to have awesomeness in them that want to inspire to be better than what they have all ROCK!!! :)
Here is todays scripture which comes from Romans 8:28, " And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
I am touched deeply by this verse because it speaks to my heart in so many ways.. I mean just think about it, WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD...!! Just that alone is inspiring me.. I mean it makes me wanna be a better child of GOD, better person, a better woman, a better wife, a better, a better mother, a better sister, better granddaughter, better niece, a better friend!! All things will work awesomely (OK I added this word LOL ) together for good whom love our Father GOD! Who wouldnt want to love GOD, we receive blessing from Him so much. It has made me think, rather know to be the best I can be because He gives me His love & hands me precious blessings for it. WOW!! That is a great gift.
Its such a beautiful morning that I am ready to workout, well like a song says, " READY OR NOT!!" I AM READY!!! Bring on the new form of body that was meant to be before I started eating these processed, unnatural, greasy fat foods. I became over weight from this so now I will become a fighter of this battle to win over my body & make it the way GOD originally intended it to be. Whether there is simple stretches or hard core pulling, pushing, lifting in every aspects you are a survivor & you will soon be a concqueor & BE VICTORIOUS over this stupid little addiction of food. That will be the best reward, metal, gem of all time!
So, today something else has spoke to started out with this awesome beachbody challenge that was brought to my attention, its called, "PLAY". There obviously many ways to play. I mean you can sit down on the floor & play with your newborn baby or toddler with them & their level, run outside with your very active elementry child with riding bike or playing on monkety bars, or even hang out with your teenagers either practicing for football, basketball, soccer, baseball, volleyball or my favorite cheerleading, or do a simple but longer distance fun or track. Or even as an adult we could love those sports who wouldnt, tho we also love riding bike at further distances, hiking or rock climbing, canoeing, roller blading, or maybe even riding the harley out on a beautiful day, I mean it takes muscles to sit on that seat & plus hold on tightly without falling off. Well for me playing with kids get to be hard to do, they are already active with soccer, softball, riding bikes with friends, even occasional throwing the football. Though since I love my kids so much I must find the time around their busy fun schedule & start making more fun. It usually starts early spring..we go walking alot, go nature walking to the park & beach and run around, maybe play frisby or volleyball there. Since I have kids that love soccer I must wanna get down & dirty sort of speak (well I usually limit my play time so i dont get dirty) because it shows you are really interested in aving fun with them when you actually get into the sport & get dirty..that is something I need to work on. We love to go to the beach and go swimming, especialy on hot days, tho be honest with you, where we live the river in the mississippi isnt the bluest, so if we can we rather go to the local pool. Its nice to have atheltic children in my family because I know they will never be just coach potatoes. Between me & their dad, we have nearly a dozen sports in us & we teach them the ones we know, it gives them more opportunity to try new things & to see what fits be ok if they choose no sports, but as a their mother LOL I know it wont happen.
I know each set of parent or parents have their own way of having fun with their children & that is wonderful, just know you should give them a chance to branch out, and if you give them choice and not hold them back it gives more of a great feeling in your heart as a parent that you helped them get to that point & another reason to be proud of them and see how many smiles and laughs you can make with them. That is another one we do, it is sometimes scaress here, we dont laugh alot, we actually need to be less tense & we are working on that. But when we say something is funny, and the kids laugh..its a warm feeling in me that makes me wanan smile & laugh with them. And that is one of the best medicine for anyone, laughter heals the heart & leaves a merry soul.
So, i just say keep am open heart & mind to what your kids want to do to have fun, obviously make sure its safe..and is proper & ok and not against the law of GOD & where you love. You as a family should always find a way & time for fun even if its only grocery shopping, make it fun...include them, make it a game. GOd made 6 days to work & 1 day to rest, YES and that is so true!! Always rest on the 7th day-sabbath day. However there is no rule saying you cant make fun everyday, whether its for 4 minutes, 14 minutes, 40 minutes or 4 days..whatever the time is have fun & enjoy it. It is so worth the reward!!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Miles Of Motivation
I am not going to wait anymore..I will not wait any longer to start the day!! It is such a great morning & eager to go running, its been now over 1.5 weeks since I really ran..I only run 3xs per week..last week I wa out of commition sort of speak, with injurys & vacation helped me to relax & feel better quicker!
Here is todays scripture, which comes from Proverbs 3:6, "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
I so agree, acknowledge Him, get to know HIm & His word by meditating day & night! Give your life to Him & your life will never be the same because He will make and create your life with so many blessings!
Well getting the kiddos ready for school then immediately off to running..I am soo excited..tho wondering what it will bring, its been a little bit since I have ran.
OK, well....I started out good, then unfortunately finished bad. I had stopped so body wasnt working with me and everytime I went to run...I would immediately just stop. It went like that for 1.5 miles. I got irriated with myself because it was like me to do this at all. I got maybe 5 blocks up and I walked home the rest of the way..Man, I know we stumble & after we must get back up & do it again. I am hard on myself & maybe its bad but just cant help it. So I give myself some time & pray, then cast all my worries to God because I am not suppose to fret about anything..yes easier said then done right..well that use to be my excuse. Once I started giving my wories to God, it just became easier to not fret. Now I am not stressed no more. I didnt worry and I moved on to my workout...bring on my HOUSE YOUR BODY workout..its fun & full of beats that make you wanna let stress go and have fun working out!
OK so the main topic to discuss is motivation! There are many ways and reasons for motivation! I am a couple! I may have not had many growing up but now that I have children...that is the most important motivation I need. I remember worrying about my children running into traffic I couldnt get to them quick enough, I really would send my older kids after 'em. It was aweful I couldnt even protect my children like that. On other days I would walk, and even wakling a couple blocks would kick in my breathing problems & was so aweful, it was sad too! I didnt watn to play with my kids with sports cuz I would get tired to quick.
That is motivation enough for me! To keep & protect my children from harm & be active with them without running out of breath.
Now since end of 2011 I have offically been diagnosed not having asthma..I havent use inhalers in almost in a year! Ever since losing weight, inches & becoming active, like working out & running I am able to to do those things I could never do before. Now I can walk a very long time without problems, run at least 4 miles without stopping, workout and not have problems. That is a great reward to be happy & healthy with your loved ones and not feel left out any longer!
Rockin' Hydration..Your Body Screams For It!
Good morning Friends or Buenos Dias Amigos (amigas),
Here is todays scripture which comes from Colossians 1:27, " To them God has chosen to make among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
That is powerful to me...GOD has chosen you, glorious riches of His heart of hope glorified!!
Starting today out a little different, Its tuesday & I dont run...and I have an awesome workout "Rock It Out" byt Shaun T to workout with be done during my 3 yr olds nap so I can give it all.
Today challenge in beachbody is hydration! That is a sensitive subject for me cause I struggle to drink enough water for my body, I mean I drink other things but never enough of what experts so..64-80 oz a day..I maybe drink 18-24 maybe a day, even less sometimes. I know its key to keeping my body going since your body is made up of 80% of I have read & heard that if you dont give yourself adequette amount of water your body starts sucking the muscles in your imagine that. So a wake up to me..I push more water, somedays challenges that others, getting more water in my body is important for me all around. So to get myself to drink more water, I had flavor packets to it, lemons, lots of ice, drink black coffee or drink ice tea...all those have water in goal is to drink water with out anything except ice & maybe fresh lemons if anything..i wanna drink up to 80 oz, then also maybe my appetite for junk will be alot lesser too!
Now since my son is home from pre-k & has eaten his lunch..bedtime for him & real soon workout time..Life is never boring with a 3 yr old!
Well I did my awesome hard core was more intense this time cause I added weighted wrist bands..I already had 3 lbs weights already so ..totally 4 lbs with this wouldnt be as hard core but doing cardio in motion with weights constantly moving & rounding 180 degrees at gets your arms tired after a while. Then I got to my favorite part..the pushups, LOL ..I love them now. Now for real I cant do military or what they would call regular push ups, I do what they call girly pushups, yea its not more hard core but it still is hard core if you dont do pushups all the time..this time I did something a little different. There is 2 sets of 3/10 pushups, 1 set is arms close to you & other is arms wider out. So I did a total of 2-30 pushups or 60 pushups gets to be alot if you say "60" ..really is way alot for me..without this workout I maybe do 30..this workout makes me to my best if not more. Then after I got to do the planks which is hitting your obliques, well I avent perfected these yet, I think I maybe doing part of it wrong but I know I am trying at least.
So by the time I am done with that workout, I am really dripping sweat!!
So to challenge myself, I am doin an extra 10 minute workout, matter fact I am doing the 10 minute Hard Core Abs wotrkout, I need always help on my Abs so I will do it also with the weighted wrist bands. It went quick but I moved my harder than normal & I pushed through all the tiredness from previous workout!!
Now I am done with all workouts !! It has been a great day!
All you can do it do your best! Than tel yourself great job with a pat on the back! OF COURSE give ALL glory to GOD 1st, if it wasnt for HIM all the hard work wouldnt be possible, we may still be on the couch making excuses!
Accountable Makes New
Hey to all the awesome people out there!!! ;)
Here is today's sripture which comes from 2 Corinthians 5:17, " Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."
I love this scripture because it says to me anyways that if you are a believer in Christ, you are His creation, His child, His everything-your old is no more & you have been made new. WOW!! I will mention to that once you are a true believer of Christ you are new YES tho also you are new EVERYDAY!! Yes everyday a new blank slate, a clear white wall or get to start over. Yesterday was the past so today being new you are fresh and new also!! All you did yesterday is no more & is new, you are new today!
Today is going to be rainy, cool & windy so no outside running today! I am completely bummed too..I had all last week with pain & injury that i was looking forward run again. Plus i hate waiting to run, it seems the longer I wait the harder it maybe to run without road blocks. But I will look in the bright side..I can give 200% to my workouts today!!
So, I am about to do this Groovy workout from Shaun T's Rockin Body workout called Disco groove...I have mentioned in my blogs before. I have fun & because I love to dance and um, LOL was raised around disco, so it was easy to me..HAHAhha! It always is fun & fast but I feel it with sweat & soreness at the end! Still gave me 200%..felt great! Now to jump to doing my Hard Core Abs..I am so happy that they are there & finally slowly showing themselves that it makes me wanna work harder for this purpose, I Have never seen them before! So you know I am going to keep working hard whether 10 days, 10 months or 10 years...this hard work is so worth it! The huge smile on my face when I begin to see the lines starting in my abs. Then we you see other compliment you & say wow you look so great..Its an incredibly awesome thing!! I so give GOD all the glory for everything! GOD has never left me, forsaken me! Plus He is my #1 fan!! Which rocks most of all! He is the best person to be your fan!!!! He is a true fan!
So, now another topic to bring up, Journaling!! Yes, some can do it easy & some not so much! You see it is very important to journal what you eat, drink & do for your body. I am a writer & have always loved to write..tho journaling this particular reason it doesnt happen..I get so busy with otehr journaling & such that I dont. I ave to find a way to do this..I use to & again I need to make the time again. I mean I had to my journal with me everywhere I went so I could keep track of everything..I have a food intake calorie counter..tho dont use it. Plus these days with technology you can look it up on computer or a phone. Whether blogging like me or journaling your food & fitness like I am not ( YET ) keeps you accountable..that is a great thing!
Well I dont how many people tell you this but I will: KEEP UP THE GREAT JOB!!!
I will add something, I believe if you put making new with journaling it will be a great new start for you! If you have started journaling yet, that is new & new is great! Its great to be given a chance to start fresh & new. By journaling it will reveal & open your eyes & you will see what you must do to continue forward towards your future!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Rest Is Also A Gift From God...Receive, Accept ,Cherish & Give Thanks
This is going to be a day of joy and little sadness! We had so much awesome time on vacation that we dont want it to end! It officailly ends at 11am today! We are at joy because we had such a great time & very thankful for everyone..especially GOD for blessing us with this wonderful vacation!
Here is my scripture for the day is, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" from Ephesians 2:8 (KJV)
Perfect scripture for today! By God's grace we are saved through HIS faith and not by ourselves!! THAT IS TRULY A GIFT OF GOD!!
This vacation is a gift, a true blessing from GOD!! He was looking at us with our happy & smiling faces...Gifts arent rare but all the time we must just open our eyes wide & clear and receive them. So whether you work so much that you havent had a vacation in 6 months or 6 years! Receive it, whether is a couple hours of true quiet bliss or a 6 day vacation to a awesome city. Its up to you to receive it and enjoy it! Dont let no one or nothing stop you from enjoying yourself & being ahppy..dont let nothing...I mean nothing..including could have $6.00 or $ wouldnt matter that fact you having fun with family, friends & giving thanks for all you have received, God is your provider & "He will supply ALL your needs according to HIS riches & glories.". Again I have probably became repetitive but you will see if you are strong in GOD's eyes if you let nothing get into your way of joy. God wants you to have fun too! He worked for 6 days & rested on the 7th. Today is sunday, sabbath of do it & enjoy it with thanks!!!
After major cleaning, I finaly get a chance to do one workout..I did a 45 minute workout & then rested the rest of the was hard not to be on vacation again but I used these moments to rest not only my body but my mind, body, heart & soul. I soon became clear, calm & relaxed! IT wa over all a great day again! No complaints here! I love GOD & thanking Him for this resting day.
Well I am going to bed early tonight...the week starts fresh & a new day begins tomorrow..back to reality of home, kids, working out, running and so on!!
( THIS IS FOR 4/20-4/21 )
Good morning to all!
IT will be a busy day!
Gotta get up early...going on a mini vacation for the weekend..excited & so needing it!
Lets start with daily scripture which comes from Hebrew 12:28-29 which says, "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverance and awe, for our God is a consuming fire."
I am agreeing...and I am & will be continuing to be thankful for ALL God has did for me!!
So, i am going to do my scheduled workout, 45 minutes doesnt go very fast when you are excited to leave on a vacation. It is still fun, I just got into the workout more because I was eager at the sametime!
I will be so busy today getting ready tat i dont have tho time to go running, UGH..I so cant run & I am upset...there is no way I have the time, but wondering whats going to happen..I didnt run at all this week so far.
well gotta go..
well its now saturday night & I am so tired..friday didnt go to bed til 1am..tho i gotta to go to swimming & go in the jacuzzi @ 11pm....felt great!!! So, it was a nice day..gotta to go swimming and go to jaccuzi again...then off to the Mall of America for shopping & fun....Oh and lots of walking :) ...I didn do alot of bad eating & I either was carrying bags or my 3 yr old son that between those & the walking that I did good for a minimal exercise! I couldnt just ignore doing nothing...
WEll this was a great mini vaction that was so needed! Sometimes It is nice to just have fun!! All work and no play makes a dull person! I know I work hard and need a mini vacation !!! I give thanks for this wonderful time & for wonderful family to spend time with!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Be Proud With Eyes Wide Open
Good Morning to all!
Today scripture is from John 11:25, " Jesus said to her, ' I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies." AMEN TO THAT!
Kiddos are about to leave for school soon & I am going to try a workout and see how it goes.
Ok I managed to do one workout but I didnt give it my best..I am still hurting a little in my stomach. I felt like I couldnt sit here & do nothing...Even minimal work is better than nothing! Looks to be resting day today!
I will mention this...Today is challenge #19 in beachbody..its for old clothes. Well I put these old jogging pants on, even the elastic was out, so i now i was pretty big in the belly. So I went to stretcdh these pants out & was amazed how far I came since 2008. I was a size 18-20..just yuck! Now I am in a size 12-13. Its a great feeling to accomplish this weight/inches loss. I am proud of myself for this! If you lost inches or weight you should be proud of yourself too! I can tell ya it took me so long to be proud of myself..cuz everytime I looked at myself in the mirror I never saw a change. Now that I have my eyes wide open I can see my accomplishments & results and I so cant wait to see what is better out there for m with this constant working out, running & 5k.. Losing inches as inspired me to do better !
Monday, April 23, 2012
Plans That Could Prosper You
Good Morning to you all!
I wanna start with the scripture right away this morning! I ave the perfect one which comes from Jeremiah 29:11, " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
AMEN, that is my favorite scripture ever!!!
He certainly has plans for you...for all of you!
Today unfortunately will be my resting day, havent been feeling well.
However, I have been sitting on that general He has a plan for you and your future! In my keeping healthy and exercising my body--i take this if GOD is your #1 fan and He is with you every step of the with working out and becoming more healthy & fit. YOu have GOD in your life first and you let HIM make all your decisions for your health..all your goals will be met and you will be one happy person!If yoou keep moving forward you will surely prosper.
My other thought is something a little different. As I run, I just listen to what is on my MP3/IPOD and I dont make a playlist, so i ended up getting talking or even slower songs on with my positive up beat songs tht inspire me to do my best. So I recommend if you dont have one to make yourself a playlist to just run with so that way you wont feel like you must stop to adjust your music, I know I have, and i hate that i stop, it really drives me crazy.
So here is one more thing, the word "plans". Its a good word but it can keep you busy. Beside the word "plans" in scripture Jeremiah 29:11, it reminds me of what are my plans for present and future goals and accomplishments. Do you have your goals wrote down and slowly crossing them off? It maybe a good idea to write a goal list down if you dont already have one. I say the music you ave with feed you what you may need to conquer what has been prolonging going further. It maybe silly but I agree on the right kind of positive music! Can you seriously concentrate on a run with heavy metal screaming in your head? I know I cant! As you would have found out going to my profile. My favorite song is "Beautiful Name" by ZoeGirls. Saying in the song " I can soar, I can fly" it makes me wanna do better. The words you ave in your songs with help your mind be better to help you be better therefore your plans of conqueroring your goal will be closer.
Time for resting and napping!
God Bless!
Being A Hand To Others
Good morning to all you!!
I am so extremely happy, thanks to you all your wonderful hits I have hit a higher mark than i would ever thought! So, my average was always 6-7 hits per blog. I prayed that I could hit 10 hits for at least 1 blog and now there are so many blogs with 10+ hits, and I loving it. Yes, some people may not think that 10 hits is alot, but for me it is a great number, its better than 0. Now I need to asked you all, if you could please start commenting too while hitting up my blogs. I am curious to see that you all think. So, I asked nicely after reading please make comments and let me know your positive experiences, and how it maybe helping you and negatives thoughts-maybe how i can improve or suggest more- of these blogs, but please keep it nice because these are just my thoughts, no harm with what i experince. Thank you for all your hits, keep it coming!! :)
So I will start by the scripture of the day which comes from 2 Corinthians 5:7, which says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."
I love this scripture, it is a great one but very simple. So I will say this, with my experience & growth with Christ. I can say I can believe in GOD & christ and the WORD! I can depend on them for my needs to be met. Just because you cant see it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. It does for me, it has for me many times! I use this as my esteem too! I will explain more...ok we have self esteem. We have choices to believe in ourselves or not. Things get to scarey and then we give up. With GOD and my running for example..that is a great example actually. For so long I could never run with out weezing and hurting in pain. I was so scared that I couldnt do it becasue it hurt and I was afraid I would fail. Just this year as i started I put it in GOds hands..yes GOD's, I might not be able to see HIM but He would be able to still be there with me forever! HE hasnt let me down. Every step I made to He was with me. I remember when i 1st starting runing, it was so hard, i was out of breathe with in minutes, I stopped every block, my shin wer hurting alot. But as I didnt give up and I knew GOd was with me I kept moving forward to get closer to my goal.I had lots of challenges of my 1st year running, I wouldnt even imagine wanting to actually run in a 5k. Now I just started running in march and only a month later I can run 3.1 miles in 30-35 minutes without stopping! That is huge for me and I am going to run my 5k in June. Plus I know I can do all thngs, so now I must increase my intensity so I can imporve my time just a little. GOD has been my Father, my #1 fan, my coach, He inspires me to be my best!
I did my Shaun T's Hip Hop workout today whether my stomach was hurting or not. It was but I am so use to working out that I couldnt give myself a reason not to do it!
Now I wanna talk about something else..helping others. I havent did as much as I would love to do..tho everthing you can do helps. By me blogging alone helps because people read my blogs and see where I was and where I have came. It is a great reassuarnce that I got this far.. you can too! Plus, when I get chances I get to help otehrs by suggesting healthy things to eat, what i do to get myslef to workout all the time and running is a issue alot of times, when people are over weight, its hard to start. Well I have been over weight for awhile and technically I still am says the BMI I took. However, I was much bigger before and more health problems too! I have been off my asthma medicine for 7 months now and i only have an emergency inhaler for backup but have not had to use it.
What i have done is walk alot, no lie..I have no car, no means of transportation except my feet so I walk alot, that has helped me build muscles in my legs and keep my breathe..i have walk so much in my life it comes natural instead of driving. If you can get yourself to walk everyday for at least 30 minutes to an will start something, just remember drink water with it..oh unfortunately it makes it harder to walk when you putting grease in your body so hold the greasey foods before and after you will see the difference if you cut back on the junky greasey foods.
Eventually you can speed walk, then soon you can jog, then run. It is all baby steps, like when you 1st learn to walk as a baby. I suggest you an make a meal plan to add to your cardio it will help to feel the difference. And you will be proud of your accomplishments! You see if i would to workout my 100% I feel great and am not that hungry, so I drink a bottle of water 1st, then find someting small to eat, like, fruit, or raw veggies or a salad, or a smoothie ..or even combo..apples and cheese, peanut butter and apples, fruit and yogurt..there are so much you can eat when you get done..the worst thing you can do is go out and eat be like saying you wasted your time working out. You cant workout and still eat bad! If you do something do it all, not just a little. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, walk or run, weights, working out your arms and abs..there is so much you can do..but you should do it all together!
I do know there is challenges and there will be excuses. Dont leave room for excuses..I can see if you cant breathe or you broke something or even had surgery but dont let excuses keep you from being happy and healthy! IT will be so worth it. So, also by you doing this for yourself you will helping others to want to be healthy and be a great example to others and they will soon as you what your "secret" to looking great is!
PS By not giving up yourself you will be a great help to otehrs!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
God's Hand Of Guidance
Good Morning to all,
I hope everyone has slept great last night. I did! I feel so much energy in my heart, wat a great night sleep.
I will start with the scripture of the day.
"Yet, I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterwards you will take me into glory!"
All I can say is, "AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, GLORY TO GOD!!!"
That is so awesome to have God on your right hand holding your hand, stands firm with your counsel and after you will take HIS name & Him into glory!!! WOW that is so awesome for me!
Reading a little book I have, and I got to a paragraphs which are small but non the less got my attentions with these words: radiance of MY Christ, quiet moment, sacrificing my time for HIM, watch to see how abundantly I bless you and your loved ones, keeping focus on HIM, and hold HIS hand in childlike trust (because we are HIS children).
I radiant the characteristics of Christ through quiet moments and by sacrifiing my time for HIm and His word, by keeping my focus on HIM as a child of GOD with complete trust HE will watch over me, my family and friends & we will blessed abundantly!
WO I will say this I will continue to do what the word says, what GOD & HIS son tells me! I believe so much tht since I have did what I have been told..yes I do have challenges and somtimes life knocks me down but I get back up; so since I have growing in Christ and believe in my HEART who HE says HE is..everyday has got so much better less stressed out. Example...I will like to give thanks to all that read these blogs..I have been kinda stuck on how I only got 1 comment on my blogs, and yes I see hits but I thought it was the comments that were wrong. So, I pray to my Father GOD that all I would ask if I can see at least 1-blog that has @ least 10 hits I would be happy. Today it steps a little better..I found 5 blogs with 10 hits and 1 blog with 12. It definitely isnt 100 or even thousands but it has definitely got better and I give GOD all the Glory for you allthat read my blogs. I pray and send blessing to each of you. Because of you all my hits have increased!
So today is a good day but its a very cold and rainy running today..ugh, little frustrating but I will get to soon! Its suppose to reach maybe 45 today, right now its 27 degrees. So, I will do my 1 workout right now, bring on Shaun T's Rockin Body-Hip Hop..I love mwe some hip hop.
WOW what a great workout, I am actually tired now! While I watch TV I will be doping curl least 240. OOhh my arms felt it but was so worth it and I feel that it is important to not just sit, get some weights, depending on the size-mine is 3 lbs weights. Anyways, as I watched a movie I did 240 curl ups..I love my arms getting firmer. That means consistencey and determination pays off. I love getting muscles in my arm, thogh I wonder how much longer, my arm still s a slight granny jiggly arm. I guess I could improve the curl ups.
Todays has been great, I have only ate when my stomach was hungry, lol when it growls at me. IT was nice cuz when i ate I knew I was full then.
When I began to listen to GOD whether its through everyday stuff or this working out, I will. ITs about GOD first, and GOD knows what is important to me too. His word is most important ..I will not do my best if GOD isnt involved in it. HE is with everthing I do. He holds my hands through everything. My family, or my eating healthy, forms of exercise to take care of our temple/body.I figured when I put GOD first everything else would work out anr it did.
Through everything I do, I stop listen to what GOD is telling me, and then He grabs my right hand and guides me. I have been blessed wonderfully because I allow HIM to take my hand and guide me! What are you doing? Is there something you could change? Do you to stop and listen more? Just think about it!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Make The Day Count As A Family
Hello & good morning to all!
Well what a day yesterday it was!! It was very long. Today is going to be a little calmer!
First I am going to start out with a scripture like always! the scripture of the day is 1 Johm 2:5-6 which says, "But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked."
Well today is church day, rest day! I am going to church to worship and praise GOD for all He has did for me and given us through blessings! Of course I was there praying what I hope He would answer too!
Today is going to be a nice day and quiet day! No workouts and no running, just time with the kiddos. I am looking forward to just relaxing. Not even house cleaning will get me right now.-*
NOt much to say anymore..its been a great day and very relaxing.Couldfnt have asked for a better day! Sometimes things need to be short to get someones attention. EVERYONE SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY!! There are times when you work at your jobs, work at church, work at home things, even work out at gyms or at home and family times get pushed aside. Leave sunday fro rest day and family day!! It is your choice but no one else can make you do it either! Just watch each other have fun, smile, giggle and make memories!
God bless!
Free As A Kite In The Wind
Good morning to everyone!
It is a gong to be a busy day!! It is cool out but is suppose to a warm day today, above average they said..maybe 80s.
Everyone I got gotta start out good, so here is the scripture for the day, which comes from Hebrews 11:3.."Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
Ok, I see the only saying just because you cant see it doesnt make it real. God's word is real. He said, "Let there be light and there was. And that ws good." Just that simple. God gave us the exact power, the power with His words, we speak as if our mouth, tongue and words were His. I dont know if you heard but "WORDS ARE POWERFUL" and "Words are the difference between life and death." They are both true. You have control of what you speak and remember your mouth His God's so, think would He say that?
So, what I can say is your choice is your choice but if you choose right GOD will guide you that way; if you choose bad then He really only can watchm He cant make you change..again your choice.
I am here to speak that is the truth. Through my whole weight issue, I have spoke negative into myself. Saying, "I cant do it", "I am fat", " I am not worth it". Well all those wer wrong. I wa wrong and now of what I know of God's word I can choose to change, and guess what I will...I love it!!
So my issue with bad junk sugar has been a mystery to for for years. It was so deep inside of me, in a very dark place that I forgot. Now with God's help I found it-I can admit what took over me to the over weight person I was to be more healthier now.
I had low self esteem for most of my younger childhood, adolescent years and even into high school. I was populr and it hit me hard. When I was a sophmore in high school I got to the point that I couldnt take it. I wasnt forced to eat so when it was a meal time I wouldnt eat, when I was forced to sit at the table with family, I would go to bathroom at night, run the shower and throw up. So, I would eaither not eat all or throw up when i was told to eat. Even in high school, when given lunch money I used it for others things and totally skipped lunch. You see I had eating disorders..I was even in sports so I hid it real good and barelyanyone still knows today what I wen through, well until now. I am not ashamed now. I am can say that experiencing tht was very hard for me, no one to make me feel good about myself. During school I would even mix alcohol with it. I loved drinking, then i would have to eat and gave me a easier access to throwing up. The eating disorder went with me throw colleges. I finally got some help and was able to start eating a little better when i got to be 21 years old. I went to college and I began to make friends and felt good cuz I was skinnier than I normally was. When I became a mom my body took full advantage of eating and didnt care of the sweets as long as i didnt get sick. I can tell you from then til now it is real hard to even get the flu because my body cant take getting sick.
So, now I am an adult with 4 kids and have been eating healthier and being very active with running 3 miles and working out plus with active kids we are going and doing things. I have got it good but my mind pychs my body out and when i am doing well eating I get like a shock and go spurlge on bad junk sweets like donuts and candybars. Now tht I figured my problem out I gotta push past this and do it better and without falling back to an eating disorder which is realy bad for anyone. I am so glad I am alive to tell my story. I mean everyones story is different but if I can help someone do bette for themselves I will.
ATTENTION: If you know of anyone that seems to over workout, run, lack of eating period, drinking more than eating..just isnt interested in eating get help for them immediately. Eating disorders are very serious and you dont wanna be scared to tell and risk losing them for good. Dont worry about them being mad at you, you rather get past that part then not being able to see them anymore. They have a very long life to live, help them enjoy it!
Alot to do today so I will be doing a real quick 45 minute workout. I love this one, Hip Hop on Shaun T's Rockin Body workout. I love the hip hop dancing with working it, it makes it so fun to workout and I defintely need it to be fun, that is the only way I will workout...make it hard work but fun!!!
WOW I did sweat but it was exactly what I needed. Now off to take one of my sons to his 1st day of soccer practice..its time to walk about 1.5 miles there. TTYL!!
WOW walking felt good but put in a sweat!!! Well I am back and his practice went great, now to get a fun appointment to go too. Man it is so HOTTT!! Be back in a little while again! SO busy today!
Well it has been a real good day. Its really hot and the winds are picking that wind feels so would be nice to be a kite and fly free right.
Which reminds me the wind & kite brought up something. You are a great person and you can still be free. use your new found freedom of losing weight, working out, eating healthy, being fit and active! Use it to be a great role model for family and friends...sometimes life doesnt go our way but it cant stop you from sharing your story and being free like a kite and change the world!! It only takes one person to get it started.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Gives Thanks For All Reasons
Good morning to everyone!!
Well its friday morning, and it doesnt feel like it. The sun is so bright at 645am and the there is a very cool breeze out and it is foggy. They are saying the next couple days wil be warmer, like it the high 70s. FUN!! Cant wait it is better than this cool weather which is probably normal in spring, so i won complain.
WEll lets start with our scripture of the day which comes from Colossians 3:15 and says, 'Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." Now I have read a little sentence that was with this scripture in a new mini book I got. This sentence really spoke to me. IT says, "Thank Me for th gift of My peace, a gift of such immense proportions that you cannot fathom its depth or breadth." WOW!!!! I agree I will give thanks to GOD for HIS peace that He gave to us! I dont remember having rea lpeace withou the help of GOD. It is so real, I cant fathom but I will receive it and give thanks.
I love that scripture!! We are, EVERYONE is, ONE body with CHRIST! That is so peaceful to me.
All the kids are off to school and finally time to soar in the air with a run, be back in a little while!
Wel I am dissapointed I got into my run at the beginning, it felt great with the cool breeze hitting my face but apparently it was too much for me because I began to cough and then having a hard time to breathe. I hard to forc myself to gasp for air til I get my breathing under control. I walk for a small block to caught my wind and then begin again. Well, after 1.5 blocksmy chest where my lungs was still hurting so I decided to stop and go home and rest.
At few moments I felt like I failed. I mean I am always determined and dont stop. Well this took a toll on me and my lungs since I have already have had a small cold, I didnt think the cold would be to bad and I could handle the wind.
I will be taking the rest of the day to relax. My health is serious. tho I will not run right to the Drs, I will take it easy and see how it goes. That also means no workout today either! Now that makes me bummed completely.
I am going to end with this. Just because I am not feeling good at this moment doesnt mean I am not healed. Jesus was whipped for our healing over 2000 years ago. Now it is time for me to soak in his word & receive my healing. Plus take advantage of this rest..when its time I will bounce back better than ever.
I will say one more thing...I have learned GOD is a GOD of life only not death..I must praise Him for all, including my strength tha He gave to me to be healed from this. It is ok to give praise to GOD for the bad. dont misunderstand, He doesnt cause the bad, we make choices..we can learn from this and move giving thanks for this experience to me shows I am bigger than the way I feel (breathing difficultys) because of GOD!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Open Doors
Good morning to everyone!
It is a great day, very sunny and warm..they say it may last, the next couple of days will be getting warmer adn then cooler again by monday. Great day to endure GOD and His word and running like I am a soaring my case whether its real or not, I love 2 birds..1 is the dove, from the beginning the dove was a key to when the flooding stopped and Noah knew he would find dry land, then the phoenix, a bird that died but rose from the died tt wa on fire. I am a gentle dove in the sky showing the new beginning just like the phoenix were to rise from ashes to its new beginning, burning for life. Well I dont burn for eternity, life does end, but GOD's love burns in me forever no matter earth or heaven bound.
So, here is todays scripture which comes from Psalm 9, which says, "I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad to rejoice thee."
I will do all my things according to God's words, they will align with the words, all that I do whether I talk to others, love others, help others, disciple others with my entire heart-will all align with God's works and be happy to praise and worship Him."
Now I will workout, todays workout is a great one but longer, House your body..Shaun T sure gets your body bumping and your blood flowing. It is real nice to sweat and move your entire body..I love the hip hop grooving with my workout. I mean dancing during a workout is totally awesome. I dont dont drag to workout, I am so excited! Lets get to it! Bring it on..see ya in a few.
Well it took me longer to get back to ya.I did my workout, my 3 yr old came home and we ate, now he is napping,lol I believe I wanna lay down and rest, I am tired and man, the sweat is dripping off me. I lvoe it.
So, to bring something up, a few questions again:
1)Do you wanna play it safe or be challenged?
2)Do you stare at yourself in a mirror saying what are you waiting for?
3)what are you afraid to lose?
It is great to challenge yourself never know what kind of goals are about to be accomplished!! Dont be like me for many years and question what are you waiting for...make today the day you start yourselve on track towards a goal, a vision, am achievement!!!I will say it again...With man all things are impossible but will GOD all things are possible. You are a child of GOD, you can do all things so dont be afraid and get moving forward, you will love the outcome!
Get ready, your days of long time achievements are here. Your opportunity is knocking on the door...dont stare at it, open it!!!!! God is waiting for you, He is waiting for you with all lifes possiblities.
God Bless!!
My Ingredients
Good morning to all!
Well I will be starting by giving you todays scripture, which comes from Galatians 5:22-23 which says, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
The fruit of the Spirit isnt a normal type of indgredients to us but to GOD they are the most important ingredients in His WORD!
The reason I bring up ingredients is because beachbody challenge is "ingredients", what is our favorite! WEll I have no one favorite honestly. That is the same way with the fruit of the spirit. No favorite! They all work together making the most important laws in GOd's eyes and heart. So for me I dont have a favorite, tho when I mix a bunch together it tastes so amazing all together!
Today I went running, it was a little nice so why not take advantage of the beautiful day! So, after the great run I come home to workout immediately, doing Shaun T's dance party and hard core abs. I am telling you those two workouts jsut fit real well with each other. Afte I workout like today for example, I feel i have moved every single body part that moves, I can feel equal soreness and stretch. It is great when you dont feel only good 50% of the time. when you work your body every where you feel 100% great maybe even 150%. That is the way I feel now. Sometimes it real good to mixed it up.
So I wanna go back just talking about God's fruit of the spirit reminds me of how I need to workout/run--you know train for this 5k in june. Look at each step/each law. First is love, you know love is int he bible 365 times..that is amazing and it is God's most important law. Coming from oT to nT, the OT has the 10 commandments, buy law in God's Word in the bible you must follow those. And yes they are still important but in the NT, love is the most important and is more important than the rest of the 10 commandements. So, 1st I love GOD uncondtionally like He and His son JEsus loves me, I love His word, I love myself like He loves me, I love others like He loves me. Now as a christian it is very imporatn to love others and help whom God wants me to help, including love. Dont forget God gave us our bodies, our temple, so we must take care of our body. Back in the bible time they didnt have junk food and fast food resturants. They ate off the land, crops, trees, animals and water. We are so addicted to these unhealthy things that we consume what we shouldnt eat and become so unhealthy, it could be so dangerous for us, health wise. GOd didnt make obesity, we as man did..and again us man have choice to be healthy or reality literally slowly kill are body of what GOD gave us for unhealthy grease, oil and junk food..even pop has chemicals & drugs in it. BE NATURAL!!
Next is joy, Well looking in the bible an this scriptures best describes JOY..It says in John 16:24
"Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full."
WOW if you dont ask for nothing in Jesus name you are hungry with nothing but when you ask in JEsus name you will be filled with JOY, be made full! Being filled with joy is a great blessing..I love remembering the saying,"Dont let anyone steal your joy." That is important because if you are strong your joy will stay at whatever kind of trial you are goin through but if you have no joy you stay with trials and never are happy.
Now with peace, I will only say this! When I have peace in my heart, everything becomes more brighter, like a light bulb moment or what they would call a revelation. That is GOD clarifying, and knowing you kept your peace through the trials is a great accomplishment, you are growing stronger in Christ. I am sure growing stronger in christ everyday. Everthing comes easier, when I have peace..its the peace during a maybe hard or evn devastation but you know the brighter picture of it, YOu are still breathing and alive, now more stronger!
Well patience is next, I can tell you, this is the harder for me..because I have always fought for patience. I can get impatient while waiting for someone or when I go to resturant waiting for my order since I am hungry LOL. You know it happens to the best of us. It is up to us to change that too. You see all I can remember is Jesus and Him being in the wilderness for 40 days. He went in there besides many things, hungry physically, satan knew that, but the whole 40 days Jesus didnt give in, He was patient. He was feed alright but not physicaly, He ate spiritually..GOD Fed Him when He was hungry. GOd will do the same with you. I will give another example..When I start running, its starts out great and will continue great tho when I get to the half way mark my mind is saying, " When will be there, give up and go home now! Time to rest.!" well I dont listen..I love to finish my run, and when I finish i have a great feeling, and happy I didnt listen to my mind. last but not least I didnt give up and I get to relax when I get home with a smile on my face!
Kindness, is something special for me. I believe kindness speaks for what kind of person you really are. I mean are you friendly are say HI to others, maybe help others in need, pray for them, maybe help them to have a good day by laughing with them-take interest in them. That will make a difference from them having a bad day or a good day, putting a smile on their face.
Romans 8:28, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." WOW a great scripture...WE KNOW THAT FOR THOSE WHO LOVE GOD ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD-THOSE ARE CALLED FOR HIS PURPOSE. I take that is when we do our lifes work according to GOD's word and live by His word, love as He loved..we will be called by Him for what purpose/plan He has for us! All that for our GOODNESS! WEll I am in for that! I will do all I do according to His word an to Him! I know God has a great plan for me!
Faithfulness is the 2nd important one to me because it says in Hebrews 13:8 which says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." I love this JESUS is the same always! Think about it, He will never change, not even if our faults may seem bad, or our past isnt good. GOD is the same in teh past and now. That is how faithful He is to us! What is your faithfulness to HIM?
Gentleness. How is your touch with your hands and your words? Matthew 11:29 says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Basically take by example Jesus..He is the person to have as a leader. He has did os much for you, and I ..everyone! He has a gentle touch in words and in His touch physically helping others no matter of alignment or crulty towards Him. He believed everyone deserves to be treated the same. HE was a man of gentleness!
Last but not least there is self funny this besides patience is the hardest on me. Self control, you have choices to eat good or bad, say good or bad, act good or bad..whether to workout or sit onteh couch with junk food. He gives you free will but He also teaches you self controland He is with you every step of the way. Learning His word more and more with show you many examples of self control. Many many stories in the bible of self control, I bet there is one similar to your story.
Well these are my favorite ingredients, not ordinary food but fruit of the spirit..they feed me well. I am and will continue to be to hungery for GOD's word, these simple ingredients dont fill me as much..
Tho I will let you know..spices, and honey are my favorite for foods, ok and fresh veggies and fruits for smoothies! It makes a perfect meal with those ingredients, making a perfect meal!
God Bless!
Someone Supporting You Is Good, Support Someone Else Is A Blessing!
Good morning to all! I hope everyone is great and have had a blessed Easter weekend! Praise God for is son Jesus Christ whom died for our sins and then rose again on the 3rd day!
I wanted to say to everyone who is reading my blogs. I really do appreciate it. Though you al maybe like chameleons in the rain forest..I still know that you all are out there, thank you very much. I wanted to say I hoping you all are getting important things from reading my blogs that may help you, or a loved one! Though I didnt have many people to support me through my weight issues and eating healthy challenges. You must remember one person may start something. Be a supporter of someone, give them great feedback because the will keep working hard. Remind them no matter how hard they are working that it will bpay off, their breakthrough will be here real soon and then will be so happy and never want to go back. It may have taken me a little while but I am loving the feeling now.
Now lets do our best to stay is our daily scripture which comes from John 11:40, which says, "Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”
Well I will jsut say that is completely true. My story of christianity has ben up and now, past 3.5 years has been great, a growth experience needlessto say and its an awesome feeling. I began to from non-belief, to believe a little, to believe all the way now. When you give up your fear, cast your cares/worries to GOD! He will remarkabley shock you in a such a great way. All I can say when it happens to me I drop on my knees, praise & worship with thankful and loving tears!!! That is enough for me when i see a miracle happen. I stopped fearing and real open my eyes to GOD..all Gods glories were manifested to me!
Now today is a diferent kind of day..
1st I will be doing my workout, Shaun T's Party express is awesome and it goes fast. I love doing this workout and then fianlly going to do my 10 minute hard core ab workout. I love feeling my abs..its nice to see that they are actually there. Funny moment, I must have been kinda boring I made my 3 yr old son fall alseep while he was watching me so quietly & good.
Now I am on my way to the dr's appt for my shin. My shin has been giving some problems lately and I waited til the pain was really back. It gets frustrated going running when it hurts. Be back soon.
So, I am back from the dr's appt. My dr said I need to ice my shins before and after I workout/run and of course stretch more before and after the workout/run. Now I will take that will good advice.
Now getting my not so good news well let me say, I was shocked. I went to also get my weight, i so believe I was going to show a improvement. Well according to the scale, no improvement just increase in weight. Ugh! Honestly it wasnt expecting that at all, especially when i have been losing inches. I dont get it. Maybe i do, maybe i am meesing myslef up. I eat fairly well but everyone once in a while I eat stressfully..not good idea and this is why. It was a huge disappointment for me, but now reality sets in. If i want more of a difference, workout/run harder and eat more healthier, no more bad junk food. I can only change myslef, I can be the only one that has control over me and what i put in my mouth. CHoices must be made right or I wont move forward just backwards.
Todays beachbody challenge is about goals! Well i have new goals to think about and make. It will be good for me to have these new goals and stick with them.
Remember whether you healping by giving positive feedback, or becoming involved too shows support? By someone supporting is good but supporting someone else is a blessing. Be A Blessing!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Don't Sell Yourself Short
Well greetings this beautiful morning!
I will start this morning with the daily scripture! It comes from - Proverbs 30:5 which says, "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him."
Today has started out real good! My thoughts are clear and I am looking forward to today!! Its a new day and new me!
So, once the kiddos are off to school-running time for me begins!
1st of all for the beachbody challenge - today is sweat day! Oh bring on the sweating!
OK, something has changed a little, I will be doing all my workouts: Party Express and hard Core Abs this morning before my 3 yr old comes home..I wanna give my all to my workout and I wanna see if I can push the sweat..we shall see...
WEll I did so my best and I did sweat but not enough to notice in the picture which is very hard do i have to work to actually sweat very heavily! Oh well I still did a great job!
Now time for my lil man and mommy time..lunch date and fun time!! It is good to spend time with your loved ones and not make it all about you working out.. I have caught myslef pushy them intot heir room so i could workout but I love playing with them and watching them smile and giggle more..especially also when i get a chance to wrestle with my 9 yr old son...he is very strong and tough..he gives me a workout all by his self! LOL!!!
So, I havent eating as good as i would like..i will do better. I eat ok, but just eat not right portions..gotta fixed it so i can actually see a weight loss difference and I know i will feel it in my workouts and running more too! Hey maybe that is where my sweat will come..if i do push more of course the more weight loss (heathy weight loss) the power stamina and endurance I will have. Okay got it..i love when the light bulb gets bright above my head! ~* I NEED A BREAK THROUGH! *~ NOWWWW!!! I will make it and I feel so great when I get there!! ;)
A song I lvoe so much asked these 2 questions!
1) What are you waiting for?
2) What are going to lose?
Well these aquestions are what I am leaning towards God for todY! I must know these so I can move on!!
I also heard a song today and I thought..this reminds me of me right now!! The song is called "STAND" by Britt Nicole-this song says "Sometimes its a fight to keep my place!" I know GOD will do fight for me I must be strong and keep HIS word without doubt and fear and know He has my back!
Well ok so I am going runny, funny how I lost my phone..Anyways It will be my 2nd sunset run..well its a little different, its colder out and of course thinking that I am trying to sweat this will help, and I wont get cold..well I am off!
Ok, All i can say is BRRRRRRR!! it was infact cold, maybe colder!! I did run a good run and I sweated but not enough to keep me warm. It was a good run tho, my mind was so clear tho..had a lot of happy thoughts. :)
I am so tired and cold..eating a lil snack and then off to bed. goodnight to everyone!
I gotta thought, I know life seems hard, shoot, even losing weight and becoming healthy isnt easy, it definitely aint a piece of cake. So, just hear me..Just get your self set a goal at a week, two weeks, or month and keep and know you did your very best. Dont give up and remember "YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS...." Dont sell yourself short!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Cherish and Enjoy!
Happy easter to Everyone or Happy RESURRECTION DAY TO ALL!!
Today is a busy day and I will just blogging a little while. I dont have enough arms for today. I woke up with a little fever and just feel so tired but it is easter and I must do this for the kids.
So I will be worshiping and Praising GOd and His son Jesus whom died on the cross for our sins and rose on the third day. Today is a great day and I have to just give thanks!!
So, once I stop feeling tired, I can start are going to have a easter egg hunt so I gotta prepare for that, it will be fun..just wantching them happy brings a smile to my face.
Now they are done with the egg hunting and we are sitting here together watching TV while we wait for the rest of the Easter lunch get down. Alot of waiting and sitting today.
Wow finally, the food smells so good and my kids and I are sitting at the table abotu to pray, and give thanks..I will be back ..probably after eating and cleaning..
well i enjoyed my wonderful and blessed lunch with my kiddos, now time for them to play outside and me clean..let the joy begin and I will be moving alot, time to burn my food off, hmm wonder how much i have to move to burn off, LOL.
Well I sent the kids outside for over an hour, cleaned everything and even moved furniture around a little, hope it helped burn something off!
Well I gotta go, I am still so tired from today!
God Bless!
Golden Feather of Flight
Good morning to AL!!
Well this is a strange morning, I will not be doing no workouts or running, my shin is swelled. So time to elevate it.
I begin to think of a scripture which would be perfect for this today! It comes from Psalms 19:10 which syas, "They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb."
Well i keep on thinking of how I feel when fighting this weight issue, giving my all to run and to workout, even to eat. Then I realize I do make mistakes and I must move past that. I know I have lost my drive when i seet he negative outcome. Then I am seeing I am doing my best and that is al that matters. Then I realize no amtter what I am doing or my outcome I am worth more than gold, a precious pricey stone..I must see that. You see in our Father God's eyes we are priceless, He loves all of His children, we are th apple of His, to remember that you are worth so much is very important, i believe if that self-esteem is where it suppose to be-by casting al stresses , worries and such to GOD we still feel worth more than GOLD. Infact, we shall feel light.You know gold is very heavy..that is not good cuz it shows to hold all the weight in..but I say this time you as gold are light as a feather because God had lifted all your burdens when you casted them away.
So, inspiration comes from GOD, His unconditional love for you should be enough to drive you. This is only my thought but I have 2 scenerios that are always in my thoughts that helps me. 1) Jesus managed to survive 40 days in the wilderness without physical food even when satan showed Him that He needed food and that He could help people..His response was always..."The food of His Father was enough (my own words) to survive." Then 2) from the movie "Facing The Giants"..the deathcrawl scene..that was so GOD driven that boy without limitation. Imagine this world gives us many excuses and limitation but seriously now...WE HAVE NO LIMITATION. With saying, "We can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Yes, we must be smart and put no harm to ourselves or others (that be no smart) but image "You can do all things...through Christ". He is waiting for you to use Him ..He believes you can all things through Him. So, wat is stiopping you!!
I have has had so much time to think about this...What a great day to think about what you are capable of!
Now I have just remind matter how heavy you feel, God will lift you up and you become a golden feather..still floating in the air..nothing can keep you from doing what you dream, what you drive for!!
God Bless!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Being Appreciated!!
WEll good morning to all and Happy Good Friday!
The weather is beautiful here at 8:00am, just missed the sunrise, that is ok..
Here is the scripture for the day which comes from Matthew 27, which explains about Christ's crucifiction on the cross! Good friday is based on the day Jesus died on the cross for our sins. All I can say it "Thank you Jesus for paying the price for me!"
I have alot to do but I 1st start out today with a wonderful mango/strawberry smoothie and instead of milk in it, I mix hot brewed green T that is chilled and frozen lemonade together and poured that in with the fruit and then blended it. It wa real good and actually tased like a smoothie. Awesome start to morning!
Today I will start with one workout, it is Shaun T's dance party, i love doing that workout and it gets my blood pumping and i feel all my body working. And I did my hard core abs again too, I lvoe that workout and it works my abs. I believe i should do them more cuz i think I have been eating sweets.
Now that I did one workout, I will go on for the day and start preparing for Easter..Got alot to do today.
I will be walking to the grocery store with the kids, a great morning, and it will workout me more. So, total 3 mile walk-with the walks there and back and at the store, it took us 1.5 hours to get back.Not bad, and we were all tired!! Yep!
Well since I didnt my run in this morning I will running before sunset is down al the way.
Well I did run but it ws cut short cuz it got dark quick and not to much street lights were I live. So, I ran 1.5 miles this and I stopped alot not cuz i was tired...cuz there was a great sunset and wonderful bright full moon! IT was so amazing to see!I am so apprecite how my day has been and how it has must just sit there and enjoy wat was given to you.. God gave us alot..I love these gifts He gave to us and I chose not to let them pass me at all.
God Bless!
Something New
Well today starts of new. Every day starts off fresh and you are new everyday!
Today scripture comes from- Psalms 119:11 which says, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."
Okay so keep Gods word deep in your heart and never forget it, with it you may bot sin anymore.
Today is 1st of my slim/fast days..this is definitely something new. Its a smoothie for breakfst, smoothie for lunch and a healthy portion lean protien meal at night..with 2 smalls snack morning and afternoon. Well let it begin..
Today is a busy day and have lots of errands to workout wont get done til before bed.
well i managed to do well today with the meals and I have did my 2 workouts..shaun T' dance party and Hard core abs...ouch i felt it in the body and teh sweat outwards. I am exhausted..time for bed.
I wanna apologize for the short blog..just know some days you wont have much to say as others.
Talk to you all tomorrow!
God Bless!
Actioned Altered, Fit Test Accomplished
hey to everyone!
The sunrise was so pretty this morning and with a lil chill. Today is going to be a busy morning! While getting kids ready for school I have to start with a morning warm up, it was actually the workout I was suppose to be the night before, Mark, move, and groove--a perfect warm up workout!
Ok so kids are off to school and I have to skip to skip cleaning and go right to my 1st fit test which is through beachbody. As I go through it you will get the just of what I have to do! It isnt easy but I will press on anyways.
1st I will start out with morning scripture what comes from 1 Samuel 2:30 which says, "Them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed."
All I can say is that I honor GOd my father, and His son Jesus Christ...tho there are those that despise HIM and wonder why things happen the way they do, dont get me wrong GOD isnt a God of pain and misery and not of death..He is a GOD of life and joy, happy, and lots I challenge you to see What God can actually do for you! You will be surprise and you will never be the same. :0)
So, the 1st part of the fit test is the heart rate, yo must take it immediately when u get out of bed..then what I had to do its do pull ups...ughghg all I can say, I have never been able to do pushups, never..It would be nice to do one so LORD i know you hear me, "I am asking you to put strength in me of over a dozen men or of course 1 of YOU, I want to pull myself up to do at least 1 pull up if not more. Now you said ask and I shall receive! In Jesus Name Amen!!So I pray and have totally faith by 1 month from today I will be able to do 1 pull up at least.
Next I have to do vertical leap..this is easy challenge..mark a pouint of your wall that u can stretch u straight bodied fingertip sideways and then after, kneel down and jump as high as you can past your mark, then measure the distance between yo9ur mark and the point you jumped. Well, cuz my ceiling isnt that tall, I jumped 12 inches high.. it wa a start, I probably will be usuing garage next time, lil taller.
Then, I have to do pushups, and well I was able to do them, as much a s I normally do, I did 33 of them..I need to put my rockin body music on while I do them cuz i seem to do alot better. So, Iwill working on increasing them before to long and by the time next months fit test comes I will do double if not triple..
Now, I have to do the toe touch, it is easy sort of, imagine legs extended in and then with slight bent of knees see how many times your finger tips can pss your toes, you must of course have a tape measure for this tho. I have 12 only but I will do better next time honestly i think it my belly tat could be in the way and well i gave up when i got tired, i need to push a little buit longer.
Now to the in & outs...well this one takes major balance which in some points i have and some other times I I did do better this time, I didnt give up and I managed to do 9, which is good but to get into the 30's or highre will be greater!! room for more improvement on this one tioo!
Now this one is so easy and I love it, arm curls. I only have 3lb weights but it will work to my advantage. I was able to do 140 arm curls and I was a little tired when I got done, so I guess I will for sure double or triple next time I do these.You do as many arm curls as you can do til you cant do anymore.
HAHAh now the last test well seems simple but no as much for me, I am not use to doing jumping jacks especially for 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, and 4 minutes. I am not a jumping jacks person, I still moved forward! So, i was able to do 1 and 2 minute jumping jacks but 3 and 4 minutes was hard, I wanted to give up, but I didnt. I gave it my best...
Finally, the test is done and I have completed the fit test!
Now, I am feeling the soreness in my legs but I need to only rest for a few moments and then off to run for 3.1 miles..i wanted to do my 4 mile again but time is cutting short before my 3 yr old comes home from pre-k.
This was a nice run..It felt great!! ANd I have a short time to relax my body, i am a little shakey this morning. I am going to drink lots of cold water and breath in and out. I know i did something right if I was able to run without stopping. I am really sore and my shin are giving me some pain..time to relax a little.
Well after a little relaxing.. I finally got to do my workouts at night...Disco groove and hard core abs. I am really tired. Time for bed.
God Bless!
Monday, April 9, 2012
A Break Through
Hey wssup to all my followers, sorry its been a lil while, life hass got me buzy but I am here to get updated now!!
(for April 3rd)
Here is your daily scripture, which comes from - Luke 10:19 as it says, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Hmm, that gets me thinking, that is so incredible..God gives you the power to thread/to walk all over satan and his minions...and no matter how scarey or bad it may seem will be protected from Your Father God! I love it!! hahahaha I laugh at you satan, I will do all things through Chris which strengthens me!!
So I wake up and get the kids to school and when my 3 r old takes a nap, I push it with my 2 workouts I gotta do, Mark Moove and Groove & Party Express --both Shaun T -Rockin Body workouts!! A total 50 minute workout, tho seemed shorter and I sweated alot..which i gotta say something funny.. I was working otu and I began without windows open but I realy got to start sweating so I quick opened the window but still not any cooler..WOW I thought i must be working hard core cuz i havent sweated liket his a long time. Well after workouts were over I went to kitchen to get cold water when I noticed that my heat was on..HAHAha, lol, I am such a goof ball...I know will be checkin..I ratehr workout in freezing that heat..tho I love the sweaty workout..
So today challenge of beachbody for april is: just to show our workout, I tell ya I did and I am so proud of this workout, I love it and it I dont do my best and fail its because I cause the road block, but BTW I wont fail..I have realized that my pride and F.E.A.R. is just getting in the way. No more!!!
No matter what happens I will have a BREAK THROUGH!!! () a great song I love by Britt Nicole--she has a lot of positive songs and I use them to sit and clear my mind and have it on playlist to run with...A recommend). It is always recommended tat u have positive songs in your playlist that will keep u moving not make you sad or really angry. If you dont have one you should create a new playlist that you only us to workout, run, etc with.
OH now the past couple days have been a littel challengeing for me, chocolate is so tricky. when I am stressed, I eat it..and I can tell it has changed the way i workout or I am needing more to depend on God instead of the chocolate. I have to say, " Chocolate is a temporary fix that could make you fat, but GOD is always there and you will be spiritual feed without getting fat!
I will always remember tomorrow will be a new day and I am made new everyday! So, Are you!!
God Bless!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
God Is My Motivator!
Today is a great morning already! I am excited!!
Today is differently than yesterday, than friday!
Here is todays scripture for the day, which comes from Ephesians 3:16-19 which says, "I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. "
I can only say this: THAT IS SELF EXPLANATORY!!! Christ is reaching out to you, give HIm your hand and never let Him go!
Well I am about to go running, it is a new day-I started the new Beachbody monthly challenge so I am determined to do my best with this is to eat and then take a picture of it to show others. I love my plain oatmeal, mix berries with crushed walnuts and a bottle of cold water!
Now this weekend made me think: I must move forward, I am motivated to increase my distance in running;so, I will be running past my 3.1 miles today, I will only see where I stop and end up. See you in a bit!!!
Well, i am back, I ran 4 miles in 1 hour, I guess that is good, I wa able to increase my distance and it actually felt real good! Awesome and Praise God for this accomplishment of mine. It was a hard run though because I had to keep looking down or forward to keep myself this focused, thanks to my awesome playlist, it help to keep me focused, though I will give All the glory to GOD-it wa because of HIM that I did what I did! It seemed very long..overall was a great feeling!!!
I had a great busy afternoon with the kiddos and was able to get my workout in before bed, it was only 15 minutes and it went real quick.
Have a great night and i thank you for reading my blogs, I hope they are helping to show you that you may have been that person whom keeps you sitting and making excuses but now you are new and you can do this, make yourself better!
"You can do all things through Christ..." "With man it is impossible but with God all things are possible."
God Bless!
When Work Hard, Rest Is Due
Well hello and greetings to all,
Todays blog will consist of saturday March 31 and April 1st 2012.
Todays scripture comes from - Psalms 145:21 which says, "My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever."
Okay so, i agree I want praise coming out of my mouth to the Lord; He paid the ultiminate sacrifice for our sickness and our sins! We should only praise HIM out of our mouth! So, as i continue to rest today and tomorrow due to a shin/ankle pain got while runnning friday...I give praise Him for what I have accomplished...I mean I ran the whole way without stopping, that is awesome, I WILL SO GIVE PRAISE FOR THAT!
So, it is saturday and it is so hard not to jump to a workout; my shin still hurts, i keep feeling a harp pain and I will need to take it easy so I am strong enough tobegin fresh monday so I can run and do my workouts. I want to give it my best so if I have to rest an extra day, so be it.
Thsi is harder than i thought, I have workout in my thoughts and i wanna do it but I know my shin hurts..UGh. Ok, I can do this, I am going to take a nap!
Well here I am, it is sunday God's resting day. I am sorry it was a short day yesterday, I took a nap then the rest of the night got by me with the kiddos.
So, today i know I dont feel guilt resting. God worked 6 days a week then rested on the 7th.
"The outward good cannot make up for the inward evil
God knows us. He knows what we are; he knows also what he meant us to be!!! Thank you Lord for Creating me and for having a perfect plan for my life.. Here I am have your way ♥ ♥" WOW AMen!! Please have your way with me!!!
I am going to enjoy this rest day with my kids, soaking in teh word of GOD! I give Glory ot GOD for all He has did for me and my family!! In Jesus NAme Amen!
God Bless, see ya tomorrow!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Slight Wing Clip
Well Hello,
It is TGIF, yes I am thankful for it being friday, but not what others may agree. I love fridays, like I love Fridays, like I love my mondays, wednesdays, OKAY DEFINITELY SUNDAY!!!! Also it is TGIF cuz it stands for Thank God Im Free!! OK that is not what i remember but I am Free nun the less, cuz of HIs love for me. So, This is friday. I look forward to my running days.
Here is the scripture for the day, which comes from Rom 1:16, which says, "The Gospel is the only thing that can truly change a person's life." WOW I love this....It is so true, as much as we try to do anything, whether its food, a bad addiction like smoking, or even physically taking it out on a bag or a person (WHICH I NEVER RECOMMEND)..GOD and HIS gospel is the only thing that truly change your life...NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY, nothing else seems to be constant and unconditional. God send His only begotten son Jesus Christ to be brutally whipped beyond recognition and to die on the cross for sickness (which includes health problems, illness, disease, stress and even depression...GOD doesnt want to afflict any pain, sickness, or even death on us) and our sins (by His son dying for us...we have forgiveness from HIM for ALL sins and will live righteous and fall short of the glory of GOD), wow a huge deal..and HE did it because HE loves us unconditionally. Remember His disciples were even bad people.
So, I am running a little late for running my practice today because kiddos forgot something here that they need to have a school, sooo, I will be going for a 30 minute walk to school to hand deliver...WOW, it is so cold! I have a thin sweatshirt on, no hat or gloves...WOW I will think twice before doing that again.
Finally, Running time, I am going running in this cool spring 40 degree weather. I will be running a different way home today since I am at kids school. So, I will be running another 3.1 miles this morning. It was so awesome though, this run is so easy, it just kept going but I was so determined...and I have of course the WILL of GOD with me! I ran 3.1 miles in 35 minutes NON STOP...yes I said " NON STOP"...It was so awesome, I didnt stop and really wasnt really tired. Which means I wondering if I should increase alittle. was great!!! Though I felt a slight cool feeling in my shin I kept running...
I am home and relaxed a little but very shakey and cold LOL. I wasnt tired though, go figure. So about 1 hour later I am doing my 1st workout for the day.
Okay I am doing my simple and short Hard Core Abs workout with Mr. Shaun T. THis workout is short but I be feeling every move...I must have been boring cuz my 3 yr old fell alseep watching me. LOL, cute nun the lesss!!
Well, its been a while and I have rested, going to enjoy movie night with my babies..then workout before bed.
I was tired cuz i fell alseep during the movie and wwhen I went to take my 3 yr old up to bed, I felt a huge pain in my left shin and ankle. It hurt, I began to limp....dang!!!!!!
Now I feel like I am a bird with a broken wing, and the people that are taking care of me clipped my wing so there other wing can heal properly...I so wanna fly, but now I am down for the count...
Well, I will not be doing workout tonight, going to go to bed and see how i am in the morning! Whether I can run in the morning, will all depends!
God Bless!
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